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阿瑟韦利英文节译西游记 国学英文一起学

2020-12-11 18:00:01


许多近现代的中外大师们留下了很多这方面伟大的作品。林语堂先生的《英译重编传奇小说》里头的《白猿》、《碾玉观音》等我是先看了英文长知道有这些篇目的存在的,理雅各的英译《中国经典》,即便有些在所难免的错漏之处,仍然是中华国学经典英译的典范著作。这里要说的是阿瑟韦利Arthur Waley。这是位没到过东方却精通东方语言的传奇东方学者。他的著作“170 Chinese Poems”《百七十首中国古诗》在网上还找不到中文原文,所以本号准备从其中的英译白居易诗着手,把对应的中文原文的篇目还原出来。







THERE was a rock that since the creation of the world had been worked upon by the pure essences of Heaven and the fine savours of Earth, the vigour of sunshine and the grace of moonlight(每受天真地秀,日精月华), till at last it became magically pregnant and one day split open, giving birth to a stone egg, about as big as a playing ball.

Fructified by the wind it developed into a stone monkey, complete with every organ and limb. At once this monkey learned to climb and run; but its first act was to make a bow towards each of the four quarters. As it did so, a steely light darted from this monkey’s eyes and flashed as far as the Palace of the Pole Star(斗府).

This shaft of light astonished the Jade Emperor(玉帝) as he sat in the Cloud Palace of the Golden Gates(金阙云宫), in the Treasure Hall of the Holy Mists(灵霄宝殿), surrounded by his fairy Ministers.

Seeing this strange light flashing, he ordered Thousand-league Eye(千里眼) and Down-the-wind Ears(顺风耳) to open the gate of the Southern Heaven and look out. At his bidding these two captains went out to the gate and looked so sharply and listened so well that presently they were able to report, ‘This steely light comes from the borders of the small country of Ao-lai, that lies to the east of the Holy Continent(东胜神洲), from the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit(花果山). On this mountain is a magic rock, which gave birth to an egg. This egg changed into a stone monkey, and when he made his bow to the four quarters a steely light flashed from his eyes with a beam that reached the Palace of the Pole Star(斗府). But now he is taking a drink, and the light is growing dim.’

The Jade Emperor condescended to take an indulgent view(垂赐恩慈).

‘These creatures in the world below,’ he said, ‘were compounded of the essence of heaven and earth, and nothing that goes on there should surprise us.’







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