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Top 10 Animal Idioms|十大动物成语 不容错过(双语)

2020-12-17 07:00:02

Top 10 Animal Idioms

Here atiShow English we love to share our favourite idioms with you. In this article we’ll list our Top 10 English Animal Idioms! Which one do you like best?

在iShow English,我们喜欢与您分享我们最喜欢的习语。在本文中,我们将列出我们的十大英语动物习语!你最喜欢哪个?

What is an idiom?(什么是成语)

An idiomis a word or phrase that is not taken literally. An idiom is an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its individual words, but has a separate meaning of its own.

一个 成语是没有采取一个单词或词组的字面。成语是一种表达方式,不能从其单个词的含义中理解,而是具有其自身的单独含义。

Ten – Like Turkeys Voting For Christmas


We’ll start the list with an idiom featuring the turkey. This idiom describes a situation when youchoose to do something that will end badly for you. Christmas is obviously a bad time for turkeys – many of them will end up being eaten over Christmas dinner!

我们将以火鸡的成语开始说起。这个成语描述了一种情况,当你选择做一些对你来说很糟糕的事情时。对于火鸡来说,圣诞节显然是一个糟糕的时期 - 其中许多的火鸡最终会在圣诞节晚餐时被吃掉!

Nine – Canary In A Coalmine


Another feathered friend in a precarious situation? Yes! Like the poor turkey at Christmas, our canaryis at risk once it enters the coalmine. The helpful canary will serve as an early warning of danger or trouble ahead. How does it warn us? By dropping dead. At least the canary doesn’t get eaten, I guess.

在另一个不稳定的情况下,另一位有羽毛的朋友?是! 就像圣诞节期间可怜的火鸡一样,我们的金丝雀一旦进入煤矿就处于危险之中。有用的金丝雀将作为危险或事故的早期预警。它如何警告我们?通过放弃死亡。我猜,至少金丝雀不会被吃掉。

Eight – Pigs Might Fly


It’s time to move on from the flying birds (yes, turkeys canfly) to an animal that definitely cannot fly. Pigs are – somewhat unfairly – known as fat and lazy animals, hence the difficulty imagining them growing wings and taking to the sky. There really is little chance of that happening. Still, why fly when you can take to the water like the swimming pigs of the Bahamas.

现在是时候从飞鸟(是的,火鸡可以飞)转移到绝对无法飞行的动物身上。猪- 有些不公平 - 被称为肥胖和懒惰的动物,因此很难想象它们会长出翅膀并向空中攀爬。真的有这种事情发生的可能性很小。不过,为什么你可以像巴哈马的游泳猪一样上水 。

Seven – Whale Of A Time


Let’s swim our past our paddling pigs out into the deep blue sea until we find some whales. The whales are mighty creatures; you won’t find anything bigger on Earth. The impressiveness of this mammal lead to whale being used to describe a really great example of something. A whale of a time is used to help us understand that thetime had was impressive, or just really enjoyable.

让我们经过我们的划桨猪到深蓝色的大海,直到我们找到一些鲸鱼。鲸鱼是强大的生物; 你在地球上找不到更大的东西。这种哺乳动物令人印象深刻,导致鲸鱼被用来形容一个非常好的例子。一次鲸鱼是用来帮助我们理解有时间令人印象深刻,或者只是很过瘾。

Six – Butterflies In My Stomach


Let’s be honest, if I was in the middle of the ocean and I saw a pod of whales I might feel anxious. That anxiousness– that can be described as a fluttery feeling – is sometimes referred to as butterflies in the stomach. Different things give us butterflies: an English test, a smile from someone special or making a speech in front of a large group of people.

老实说,如果我在海洋中间,我看到一群鲸鱼,我可能会感到焦虑。这种焦虑- 可以被描述为一种颤动的感觉 - 有时被称为胃中的蝴蝶。不同的东西给了我们焦虑:一个英语测试,一个特殊的人的微笑或在一大群人面前演讲。

Five – As Sick As A Parrot


Our next featured idiom – a British classic – features the beautiful, talkative, intelligent parrot. What joyous emotion does the colourful parrot convey? That’s right! Disappointment, misfortune or despair. The English language doesn’t always make sense. This idiom is often used to describe a sportsperson or team who has suffered a surprising or crushing defeat.

我们的下一个特色成语 - 英国经典 - 以美丽,健谈,智能的鹦鹉为特色。五彩鹦鹉传达的是什么欢乐的情感?那就对了!失望,不幸或绝望。英语并不总是有意义的。这个成语通常用于描述遭受惊人或惨败的运动员或团队。

Four – Wouldn’t Say Boo To A Goose


Geeseare known as aggressive animals and you should probably avoid startling them. This British idiom is slightly confusing because most people wouldn’t say boo to a goose. This expression – however – is used to describe someone very timid or nervous. You might also come across the similar expression wouldn’t say boo to a fly, which certainly makes more literal sense. Who is frightened of a fly?


Three – Raining Cats and Dogs


Cats and dogsare our most popular pets, and we even call the dog man’s best friend. We weren’t always so found of these animals, as this idiom probably originates from dead cats and dogs being discarded in open sewers! Heavy rain would wash the bodies away. Despite the horrible history of this idiom it remains one of the most widely used idiomatic expressions, and often the first learned by people learning to speak English.


Two – Ants In Your Pants


Are you gettingexcited because we are nearly at number one in our list? So excited that you are wriggling about as if you have ants in your pants? Probably not, but at least you understand the context of this antsy expression. This idiom can also be used to describe that nervous movement when you are anxious about something. The word pants means different things in the UK and the US. You’d be much better off in America with ants in your pants, that is for sure.


One – Let The Cat Out Of The Bag


Why did we choose this idiom as our favourite? We promise to let the cat of the bagand tell you! Everyone loves a good secret, and it is normal to get excited when a secret is revealed. This expression paints a great mental picture too – a secret cat being let out of a bag. How awesome is that? Finally, and perhaps most important of all, we get to share a picture of a cute moggy in a bag.

为什么我们选择这个成语作为我们的最爱?我们保证让袋子的猫告诉你!每个人都喜欢一个好秘密,当秘密被揭露时,兴奋是正常的。这个表达也描绘了一个伟大的心理图片 - 一个秘密的猫从包里出来。这有多棒?最后,也许最重要的是,我们可以在一个袋子里分享一个可爱的moggy的照片。

So how did we do? Did you learn any new idioms? Are you satisfied with our top ten or are we daft for missing your favourite? Well, what are you waiting for? Let the cat out of the bagand let us know!






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