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2020-12-19 01:25:01


Key announcements by Minister Ong Ye Kung at Singapore FinTech Festival’s Welcome


1. Report card on MAS’ FinTech regulatory sandbox

The FinTech regulatory sandbox was launched in June 2016 to allow financial institutions

and FinTech start-ups to test their innovations. Since then, MAS has received more than

30 sandbox applications.

One start-up, PolicyPal, has graduated from the sandbox in August 2017.

Kristal Advisors is currently testing its financial advisory and portfolio management

service in the sandbox.

2. PayNow: Phase 2

PayNow was launched in June 2017 to allow individuals to transfer funds to each other

using their mobile and NRIC numbers as identifiers.

PayNow will be extended to businesses around the middle of 2018, to allow business to

link their Unique Entity Numbers to their bank accounts.

This will enable businesses to make and receive payments from customers and other


3. Tie-ups to enable cross-border payments with India and China

NETS’s framework with the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI)

From the middle of 2018 onwards, NETS cardholders in Singapore can make online

purchases on any NPCI e-commerce merchant website in India.

In addition, NETS cardholders can make NETS payments at all 2.8 million RuPay point-ofsale

terminals in India, and RuPay customers can similarly use his RuPay card or RuPayenrolled

mobile phone to make payment at any NETS acceptance point in Singapore.

UOB and DBS’ arrangement with China’s UnionPay

UOB and DBS will issue UOB and DBS UnionPay Cards, which can be used at all UnionPay

terminals in China.

4. TeSA FinTech Collective

MAS, the Infocomm Media Development Authority and SkillsFuture Singapore have

launched the TeSA FinTech Collective, with six universities and five industry associations.

The TeSA FinTech Collective aims to enhance pre-employment and continuing education

training for undergraduates, postgraduates and working adults in emerging ICT skills.

Participants will benefit from enhanced ICT curricula and on-the-job industry training

opportunities in FinTech-related roles.

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  1. 2021-12-25 09:44幽蘭慧心[河南省网友]IP:460598375
  2. 2020-11-06 01:38蓝菱[台湾省网友]IP:1731144305


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