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「千言」我明白了小时候的词不达意 也开始了长大后的言不由衷

2020-12-21 06:55:01

得过且过 - 白小白得过且过 - 白小白04:06来自诗词千言


我明白了小时候的词不达意,也开始了长大后的言不由衷。别人的无法了解,成了我的可以理解,渐渐地,得不到的理解不再是我曾经的渴望,多余的解释,都成了心底简单的“算了”……I learned that the words of my childhood were not good enough, and I began to be disingenuous when I grew up. The inability of others to understand has become understandable to me. Gradually, the understanding I can no longer get is no longer what I once longed for, and the superfluous explanation has become a simple "forget" at the bottom of my heart.


The years have smoothed out our high-spirited edges and turned into a sign of maturity, as if proudly saying that we have grown up. In fact, it is just a charming appearance, when did you grow up at the bottom of your heart? Just hide the innocence, learned to accept the reality of helplessness, really helpless ………


If hiding is hypocrisy, let the once unbearable hide thoroughly and carry on the hypocrisy to the end.


When you have secrets, it shows that you have grown up and are no longer too naive; when you have learned to hide secrets, you have matured and chosen to believe in yourself; when you begin to say goodbye to the past, you have begun to change yourself and know that you are on your own.


At night when there is no light, I seem to see the most natural appearance in the world: a silhouette with sound, a black shadow, and a movie based on imagination.


The world began to rain, rendering the sadness of the world, the lights floating, deliberately blurred eyes, can not remember what you look like, do not want to hear you murmur "sorry" ………


I send Acacia to the world, telling of the sadness and desolation alone, how many wind and moon, but the wind blowing on the moon, with a little bit of ice-cold.







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