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宅在家里的你 如果不能放下手机 请看看这篇文章

2020-12-24 03:15:01




We’ve all heard the same warning: looking at your phone or another screen before bed is very bad for

you. It may make it harder for you to fall asleep and prevent you from getting a good night’s rest. Most

sleep doctors suggest turning off screens an hour before bedtime. The reality is that, for the majority of us, cell phones, tablets, or TVs are the last things we look at before we close our eyes. Our smartphones can sometimes feel like an extension of our bodies because we’re so physically connected to them.

Screens in general have become such a prominent part of our lives that it can feel completely unrealistic to put them away earlier in the evening. But according to sleep doctors, it’s a smart idea to at least give it a try.

At night, your brain starts to produce a hormone called melatonin(褪黑色素), which keeps your circadian rhythm(生理节律)on track and helps you fall asleep, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Being exposed to bright light suppresses melatonin production, says Philip Richard Gehrman, a behavioral sleep specialist and associate professor of clinical psychology in psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine. “Blue light has the strongest impact,” he adds, “and the types of LED lights used in most electronic devices are strongest in

the blue part of the spectrum.”

Why is blue light particularly bad? Dr. Gehrman explains that the very specialized cells in the eyes that feed into our sleep system and circadian rhythms, called retinal ganglion(视网膜神经节)cells, respond strongly to blue light in comparison to other types of light.

“Beyond the light you’re exposing yourself to, there’s also the simple truth that it’s easy to get caught up in what you’re reading or watching, which leads to staying awake a lot later than you should,” says Shelby Harris, clinical psychologist in private practice in New York. “Even if you’ve got the self-control to switch off Netflix after a reasonable number of episodes, depending on what you just watched or read, you may be too mentally stimulated to fall asleep anyway.”

1. Which of the following best replaces the underlined word in paragraph 1?

A. important B. fun C. different D. major

2. How does bright light “work” at night?

A. It will help us fall asleep very quickly.

B. It will make our brain produce a hormone.

C. It will keep our circadian rhythms on track.

D. It will affect the production of melatonin.

3. What is special about blue light?

A. It has the longest effect on our sleep.

B. It is mostly used in electronic devices.

C. It causes the eye cells to react greatly.

D. It is the strongest one among all the lights.

4. What can we learn from Shelby Harris’ words?

A. Self-control will help us escape the influence of television.

B. What we are reading and watching can help us sleep longer.

C. Light is the most important factor affecting our sleep quality.

D. What we watch or read before bedtime will influence our sleep quality.



1. prominent adj. 重要的

He played a prominent part in the campaign. 他在这次运动中发挥了重要作用。

2. hormone n. 激素;荷尔蒙 growth hormones 生长激素

3. associate professor 副教授

4. clinical adj. 临床的 clinical research 临床研究

5. psychiatry n. 精神病学

6. suppress v. 抑制;控制

She was unable to suppress her anger. 她按捺不住怒火。

7. spectrum n. 光谱

Red and violet are at opposite ends of the spectrum. 红色和紫色位于光谱的两端。

8. private practice 私人诊所

9. switch off 关掉 She switched off the light. 她关掉了灯。


“Beyond the light you’re exposing yourself to, there’s also the simple truth that it’s easy to get caught up in what you’re reading or watching, which leads to staying awake a lot later than you should,” says Shelby Harris, clinical psychologist in private practice in New York.

【分析】引号部分的句子主干为“there’s the truth”。“you’re exposing yourself to”为省略了“that”的定语从句,修饰先

行词“light”。“that it’s easy to get caught up in…you should”为“truth”的同位语从句,其中“what you’re reading or

watching”为宾语从句。“which leads to staying awake a lot later than you should”为非限定性定语从句,修饰“it’s easy to

get caught up in what you are reading or watching”。




1. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health美国国家补充与综合健康中心

2. University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine 宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院

3. Netflix 网飞公司,成立于 1997 年,是一家在线影片租赁提供商,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州。


声明:原文选自 MSN,试题与内容讲解由天学网教学研究中心编写。



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