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2020-12-30 23:30:01

名词(Noun, 简称 n.)表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称,名词同时也分为专有名词和普通名词。

【专有名词】表示具体的人,事物,地点,团体或机构等,用于表示其特定的名称。 专有名词前面没有冠词(不全是),第一个字母需大写。 e.g. Timmy(人名) September(九月) Sunday(周日) London(伦敦)

大多数由几个普通名词构成的专有名词前要加定冠词 the。 e.g. the Great Wall(长城) the Yangtze River(长江) the United States(美国)

【专有名词的数】专有名词一般视为不可数名词,但下列情况中的专有名词是可数名词,称之为专有 名词具体化。

表示人物时e.g. A Mr. Smith is in your office. 一位叫史密斯的先生正在你的办公室里。

姓氏的复数前加 the表示一家人 e.g. The Blacks are visiting the Great Wall. 布莱克一家人正在参观长城。

表示某人的作品或艺术品时e.g. I have a Harry Potter. 我有一套《哈利·波特》

表示时间的专有名词变为复数,用语修饰经常性的动作,意为“每个……都”e.g. I’m on duty on Mondays. 我每周一值日。



(1)The Yellow River goes through nine provinces and joins the ______.

A. Bohai Sea B. East China Sea C. Huanghai Sea D. South China Sea

(2)You are supposed to visit Notre Dame Cathedral in ______.

A. London of England B. Paris of France C. Berlin of Germany D. San Francisco of the USA

(3)--What is your friend’s family name if his full name is James Allen Green?_____ .

A. James B. Allen C. Green D. James Allen

(4)March 8th is ______.

A. Woman’s Day B. Womans’ Day C. Women’s Day D. Womens’ Day

(5 )The second Sunday in May is______ .

A. Mother’s Day B. Mothers’s Day C. Mothers’ Day D. Mothers Day

(6 ) I have English class_____ .

A. in Saturday B. in Saturdays C. on Saturday D. on Saturdays (7 ) Timmy met ______ in mall last Sunday.

A. the Brown B. the browns C. the Browns D. Browns

(8)_____ is the longest river in China.

A. the Yangtze River B. The Yellow River C. The Pearl River D. Amur River

(9 ) Westminster Abbey is on the north bank of the_______ .

A. the Nile B. Amazon River C. Thames River D. Mississippi River

(10)______is the first day in the week.

A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Tuesday




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