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「神仙文案」你是银河里掉下来的一颗糖 融化在我的心头

2021-01-06 23:00:01

The rainbow under the refractor has no temperature. Only in the sky is it worthy of expectation. The straightforward like is boring, and only between you and me is it worthy of your heart.折射镜下的彩虹是没有温度的,唯有在天空才值得让人期许,平铺直述的喜欢是枯燥的,唯有在你我之间才值得让人心动。

I think that on a refreshing night, there is an intoxicating wind and a half-covered moon, I miss poems for you.


The evening sun is golden and far away, but the four seasons are so tender. You have been late for many years, but I am still happy for your arrival. Anyway, we finally live together.


When I step through all the perversion and go to war toward eternity, you are my banner, standing firm in my heart!


You are my warm gloves, frozen beer, shirt with the smell of sunshine, day after day dream, do you say I can realize my dream?


I have met many people in my life. They are like fireworks between my fingers, flashing light and dark, and finally reduced to ashes. And you are different, you are like the Big Dipper, shining in my whole life, and will never die.


We call the heart dancing in the dark the moon, and you are the faintly visible starlight in the clouds, a sugar falling from the galaxy, melting in my heart, so sweet and so sweet!




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