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Reappear the scene英语作文

2021-01-30 08:55:01

Reappear the scene英语作文

在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的.言语活动。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是小编收集整理的Reappear the scene英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

It was raining cats and dogs in the morning. After the rain, the ground was wet, slippery and slippery. I took a thick stack of wrong books and moved cautiously to the English teacher"s office. At the corner, suddenly rushed out of a boy, scared me back a step, who knows the foot slipped, fell heavily on the ground, there are three or four wrong books dropped in the next pool of water, wet half. The boy gave me a look and hurried off. I thought to myself: It"s over, it"s over, the wrong book is wet, the teacher must say I"m... At this time, the boy came back with a pack of napkins in his hand, so he didn"t run away, but to help me get the paper. I felt this picture as if I had known each other before, and then the familiar picture came back to me again.

It was raining hard outside, and the roads were particularly slippery, especially at corners, and particularly prone to slip and bump into people. Although there have been two "traffic accidents" today, and, on the radio, the teacher also kept saying: "Today is rainy, rainy day slippery, please do not chase the students. But when I looked at my watch and found that I was on my way to class, I hurried to the classroom with my classmates. As we ran around the corner, suddenly a sixth-grade boy came out with a thick stack of books in his hand and had no time to brake before he hit the boy because of the slippery road. When I responded, I realized immediately: ah! I"m in trouble! At this time, the bell rang and my classmates hurried to the classroom. "Well, what can I do about this? I ran away without loyalty!" Look at the little student next to him. He looks at his homework book in the water and looks like he is about to cry. "What can I do? If the teacher knows it, I will be scolded again.

I deserve it. Who told me to run!" Just as I was thinking about it, the classmate ran out again with a pack of napkins in his hand and handed them to me. I looked at him blankly. "See what I do, quickly help him wipe it, this PE class, do not worry, I told the sports committee, we will wait a moment, we help him to move the book to the teacher"s office together." With that, we helped to pick up the exercise book. The little boy said softly, "Thank you." In a twinkling of an eye, back to now, the boy had wiped out the wrong book for me, and he said, "I"ll take you to the teacher"s office." "Oh, thank you." I hasten to thank. Don"t stand by and watch others because they have nothing to do with themselves. We should learn to bring warmth to others and help others. It"s good to add icing on the cake, but it"s better to send charcoal in the snow.



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