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2021-02-07 11:45:01













This year's Spring Festival is a special Spring Festival. We all stayed quietly at home and dared not go out. Because of a news report, an epidemic of "new coronavirus" broke out in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. People from all over the country were infected with this virus of unknown origin, and the festivals that should have been celebrated had no proper atmosphere.

Through news reports, I learned that the incident was caused by the South China Seafood Market in Wuhan, and it can also be said to be caused by those who are keen to eat game. I also saw pictures of the culprit bat soup. That's why I learned that bats carry more than 100 dangerous viruses. How terrible ignorance is. I call on everyone to love wild animals, protect nature, and fear life. Start with me.

The scary part of this virus is its strong infectivity and extremely long incubation period. Its incubation period is up to 14 days, and it is infectious during these 14 days. Patients infected with this virus may also be serious Cause death. This virus is mainly spread through droplets, and no special drugs have been developed to drive away the virus. Therefore, we all do not go out at home and work together to resist the virus.

Since the "power" of the new coronavirus is so great, in order to resist the "invasion" of the virus, we should do the following:

1. Minimize going to crowded areas. If you have to go out, you must remember to wear a mask.

2. Maintain indoor air circulation and regular indoor ventilation.

3. Maintain hand hygiene and wash hands frequently. If you accidentally cover your mouth and nose with your hands, be sure to wash your hands first. Do not rub your eyes after sneezing, do personal protection and personal hygiene.

4. Cover your mouth and nose with tissues when coughing and sneezing to avoid the spread of droplets.

The epidemic during this period touched the hearts of all Chinese people. In this smoke-free war, people from all over the country are willing to act together and will be able to subdue the "demon" of coronavirus and give us a healthy big China.





The Spring Festival of 2020 is an unforgettable holiday because I cannot go out to play and visit relatives during this holiday. The land of China is now facing a war without smoke. Do you know what this war is? Let me tell you! This war refers to pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus. Why does it affect us? That's because some people eat wild animals. Wild animals already have a new type of coronavirus, which is eaten into their stomachs, but they don't know that they have been infected with the virus, so they contact other people. One infected one, there are 1.4 billion people in the country, and more than 20,000 people realize that they are infected with the virus, it is too late. We can't eat raw meat, we can't be wild animals, we can only eat cooked food, so that our bodies will be great.

As a primary school student and a Chinese, I am particularly grateful to the medical staff in the hospital and Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, because they always treat patients infected with the new coronavirus, I especially admire the spirit of the medical staff and Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, As soon as there are patients, they will be treated in time. I want to say to you: "Thank you, you have worked hard!" When we grow up, we must learn from Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, learn more about medicine, more for patients, and reduce pain for people in need, more for Our motherland contributes.

I urge everyone to be more ventilated, go out less, wash hands frequently, and wear masks. We have to believe in the power of the motherland, and believe that this smokeless war will soon pass, and we will soon return to school to study, Wuhan, come on! Go China!






This year's Spring Festival is the most deserted year. The outrageous epidemic disrupted people's supposedly beautiful and happy holiday life.

When I knew: the word "coronavirus", it had been shut down in recent years. On January 21, his uncle next door happened to drive a bus to pull the Fenghua people to a place in Hubei, and then he returned to Fenghua overnight. I only received a notice when I got home on the 22nd. All the people who have been to Hubei Province must be isolated at home for 14 days! So the uncle was also notified to take temperature every day and isolate himself at home. Although he did not develop fever, I knew from the large population that the virus had an incubation period. Once infected, the grandmother Qian Dingwan asked us not to walk around, even if it was outside the house.

Because we must resolutely win this epidemic prevention and control battle, our family mobilized: Dad received a notice from the village to go to the road junction to seal the duty every day; Mom went to the village volunteer voluntary service team to check the identity card for each villager and measure the body temperature , Register and report on the work of "clearing the building", and work on duty every day on the village road; my sister supervises me to go to bed early and get up early every day. The joyous Spring Festival was disrupted by the ruthless epidemic of our entire family.

When I saw the news about the epidemic on TV, I hated this abominable epidemic psychologically. At the same time, I also paid a deep tribute to the national medical personnel who adhere to the front line and all the pioneer and model personnel who charged on the front line! Hope all of them cheer! All safe! Winning the epidemic situation as soon as possible.



往年中考作文 一棵树作文300字 初二我来了作文 英语短篇作文 有关于小动物的作文 悲伤的作文500字 我为班级献计策作文 善良的作文400字 对手是自己作文 500字游记作文 为你而歌作文600字 自我感受作文 二年级风景作文 游泰山的作文 我的恩师作文600字 法律作文400字左右 高中精益求精作文800字 关于刺猬的作文 窗外的花作文 介绍重庆的英语作文 学会宽容作文400字左右 冬天的200字作文 我钦佩的人作文 楠溪江作文 窗外的校园作文 游科技馆作文500字 初二生活作文800字 未曾远去作文 去图书馆看书作文 什么刚刚开始作文