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2021-02-14 19:35:01




The sky flashed and thundered, and the clouds were thick. The weather was very sultry. For a while, the wind blew.

哗啦啦!大雨从天而降,大树在雨中跳起了舞,天上的雨水像无数的针一样扎下来。 渐渐地雨停了,我走到楼下,泥土和小草的味道扑面而来!树木像战士一样挺拔。地面上出现了大大小小的水坑。

Hua la! The heavy rain came from the sky, the trees danced in the rain, and the rain in the sky came down like countless needles. Gradually the rain stopped, I went downstairs, the smell of soil and grass came on my face! The trees were as tall as soldiers. Large and small puddles of water appeared on the ground.



One day, the red team and the blue team are having a football match. In the game, the ball reached the foot of the red team 6, then the red team 6 gently passed the ball to the red team 10, and then the red team 10 kicked hard. Just about to kick the goal gate, the goalkeeper of the blue team threw himself at it, but it was a pity that it was empty. The ball went into the goal of the blue team. At last the red team won.



In the afternoon, when I came home from school, I saw grandma bending to pick vegetables. I thought to myself, "grandma must be very tired. Grandma has been taking care of me since she was young, so I can"t let Grandma"s back bend any more." So I went up to my grandmother and beat her back. She said happily, "you are my good grandson." I feel very happy that I can do something for grandma. In the future, I will often help grandma do something I can.



I"m Cai Zezhong from class 2, grade 5 of sanjiangtang primary school. Now let me introduce my school!


There are many beautiful sceneries in my school, such as tall teaching building, wide playground, and beautiful garden All in all, it"s very beautiful.


Every morning, if you walk into our campus, you will hear the sound of Lang Lang"s reading, which will make you feel happy. After class, you can hear the laughter of the students chatting.


This is my school, I love my school!



On Sunday morning, my father and I ran together in the morning. We sang and chatted. We were very happy! Just after running, we saw an uncle eating his snacks. The packing bag didn"t go into the garbage can, but was dropped on the ground.


I thought to myself, "this uncle is too uncivilized. I must stop his behavior.". So I went to my uncle and said, "would you please don"t litter?"?;

叔叔听见了不好意思的把垃圾捡起来,丢进了垃圾桶里,对我微微一笑便离开了。 随后,我和爸爸继续我们的晨跑!

Uncle heard embarrassed to pick up the garbage, threw it into the trash can, smiled at me and left. Then Dad and I continued our morning run!


Although this is a small matter, I think everyone should take good care of the environment and everyone has a responsibility.



December 3 is Miss Pan"s birthday. I want to wish her a happy birthday here. But I couldn"t get on that day. I was so worried.


Although it"s a blessing for being late, I still want to say: "happy birthday, Mr. Pan. I wish you happy every day, healthy and happy!"


My mother said that if we were naughty and didn"t study hard, the teacher would grow old. I must study hard, don"t let the teacher worry, let teacher pan be young and beautiful forever!


Thank you, Miss Pan!



On the way home from school, suddenly I saw an uncle pulling the goods full of cars, sweating, panting, and stopping to rest from time to time. When I saw this, I hurriedly ran up and tried my best to help my uncle with the cart. My uncle looked back and saw that I was helping him with the cart. He said, "thank you, you are such a loving child!" I said, "no thanks, this is what our young pioneers should do." The red scarf on the chest seemed to say, "you are such a helpful young pioneer."



My family lives in a small courtyard in the countryside. There are people around. There are many neighbors, but I especially like Grandma Zhang who lives in my east courtyard.


Granny Zhang is very good. She often gives snacks to our children and asks her granddaughter to help us with our lessons. He has a good character and temper. He never bothers us or scolds us.


I like Grandma Zhang very much.



Spring is coming, everything is reviving, ice and snow are melting, the scenery in the park is so beautiful, the tadpoles in the river are swimming happily, the willows on the bank have grown green leaves, the grass on the ground has sprouted, the swallows are flying back from the south, and the mountains in the distance are full of red flowers,


Mingming comes to the Bank of the river to fly a kite. First, loosen a little rope. Let go of the string a little bit, then throw the kite into the sky with one hand, and then pull the kite string to run while flying. The kite flew higher and higher, as if it had passed through the atmosphere. It flies higher than a building.


After flying kites all day, Mingming"s heart blossomed with joy.



Today, mom and Dad took us fishing. We came to the fishing place happily. I saw a lot of fish. There are red ones, yellow ones and colorful patterns.


Seeing so many fish, I can"t wait to take them home. The staff first gave a fishing rod, a bucket full of water, and a bait. First, I put a little bait on the hook and threw it into the fish pond. The little fish came happily to eat. In a short time, I caught a big and beautiful fish easily.


I had a good time today.



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