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六级英语作文:投诉噪音污染 Complaint about the Noise Pollution

2021-02-20 00:20:02

六级英语作文:投诉噪音污染 Complaint about the Noise Pollution

Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Li Ming, a student of this campus,and I venture to write a letterto you to complain about the noise pollution around our university which has disturbed us alot.

Recently, we students are greatly disturbed by the noise from the factory near our campus that has given rise to much complaint among students.

And the noise is so loud that we cannot stand it any more.

As a consequence, we cannot have our attention concentrated on our lessons duringdaytime, and our study is badly influenced.

At the same time, we are not able to sleep well at night, no wonder this will do harm to our health.

Thus, I am so anxious about the bad effects brought to us students.

I hope you will look into this unsatisfactory state of affairs and take steps to prevent suchkind of thing from happening again.

We will appreciate a quiet environment around campus.

Yours truly, Li Ming



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