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2021-02-23 01:40:02




It"s winter. It"s snowing outside. I saw the white jade like snowflakes falling from the sky.


The wind blows fiercer and fiercer, the snow is denser and denser, and the snowflakes are bigger and bigger. Such as cotton, such as goose hair, floating from the sky, slowly spread on the ground. When school is over, students are running on the road, some are cheering, some are jumping, some are opening their hands to pick up the flying snowflakes. Look, the snow has covered the earth. The sky, the earth, is full of snow. White earth, white house, white car.



Snow, everyone feels very cold, but I don"t think so. I think snow is a symbol of purity. It"s white and clean. But it can only stand the cold test, but it can"t stand the warm influence. Nevertheless, I still like it, like the scene of heavy snow flying, like the white snow falling on the ground, the sun shining, as if to lay a layer of silver carpet on the earth, beautiful, and good friends to see the snow, beautiful, alone to see the snowflake falling, beautiful, all in all I just love snow. I think the snowmen are full of life. I love snow so much. How about you?



Looking forward to it, looking forward to the long awaited snow.


At night, outside the window, snowflakes, like the elves of a dream in childhood, float down from the blue sky. There are six petals, with six glittering dreams. They are constantly pouring into mountains and rivers, rivers, trees, houses and streets. The earth is like wearing a white coat and bright like.


In the morning, the teacher"s words in the classroom were already wings, and all did not fly out of our ears. Our hearts have also been flying out of the window. "Jingle bell" the bell rang, the students rushed out of the classroom like an arrow, all toward the playground.


The playground was covered with snow, a white. Some of the students having a snowman, some are having a snowball fight, there are people in skiing, we played awfully. Look! The students in the snowball fight what fun, others hit the crowed was hit was ablaze with anger for a greater snowball, ready to fight. In the snowman students face and hands are cold red, but a vivid Snowman from their hand was born. In skiing is more dangerous, they just slip past, scream like action as one falls, another rises, with the wave of go by like the wind, from the air, then falls on the snow. In this class, the whole playground became an amusement park.


"Haha ha", "flutter" another student and snow come to a close contact. When you are excited to play, the snowflakes are floating again. A little girl, like a quiet little girl, falls slowly and elegously. When it falls on her body, it turns into a naughty little boy, who has gotten into the collar and drilled into the hair.


I like this interesting and strange snow!



This morning, I opened the curtains and found that it was snowing outside. Isn"t it spring now? It snows, the weather in Urumqi is really strange! I saw snowflakes flying all over the sky, trees were covered with snowflakes, the houses were covered with jade suits, and the yard was white, like a carpet of white carpet. It was beautiful. Go down, go down and stop until the afternoon.


At this time, the school informed me to snow. I hurried to change my clothes and went straight to the school. The snow is very thick, full of snow on the Snow gleams white. sports equipment. My classmates and I took the snow began to snow. In the snow when some heartache. Because I can"t get in close contact with the snow, but for the students to play on the playground tomorrow, they can"t take care of them. In a few moments, my shoes and legs were wet. We work near the end, looked at the clean playground, we feel smug!


It"s spring now, and I may not see such a thick snow any more. You"ll come back in the winter. I"ll wait for you!



I saw the white snow: covered with branches, covered with grass, covered with houses, like cotton quilts on the ground, looking very warm.


In the evening, on the way back to my hometown, the fields on both sides of the road are full of snow. I watched the white snow and the sky as if the sky and the ground were connected and foggy, like the foggy rainbow. There is ice in the river by the side of the road. I really want to go down and skate!


I like to see the color of snow. It"s white. The foreign teacher once said: white represents peace in foreign countries. Mother said: white also represents purity.



I started to look through the calendar again and again very early, looking forward to the steps of winter.


It really snowed today! Looking at it, there is a snow covered road and some dead trees. Big trees and small trees all point out their white arms to space. Those who can stand out from the cold wind must be worthy of our respect.


Outside the window, buildings are covered with snow. The stone seems to be covered with a layer of gauze.


I feel the smell of winter.



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