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a tree near houseG类雅思小作文范文

2021-03-05 19:05:02

a tree near houseG类雅思小作文范文

Large tree grows just near your house, producing troubles for you. Write a letter to local authority explaining this problem, discuss the ways of its resolution and make enquiries about financial aspect.

To: mr. S. Brown,

local authority org.

35, Willow av.,

Greencity, Russia.

Tel: 345-46-76

Fax: 534-87-78

Telex: 657-78-89

e-mail: local_authority@netFrom: Helen Apple,

13, Willow Av.,

Greencity, Russia.

Tel: 345-46-70

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you to apply for a big tree located just near my house. This tree really troubles me. The fact is that the tree stands in suns light and because of that a close-fitting room is too dark and gloomy. Also I must tell you we use that room as a nursery. Our son is only two months old and is still weak. As to me, I am his mother and I must be sure that I do my best to take care of him. But the tree doesnt let my son to receive enough sunlight and I am pushed to ask you to solve this problem.

I would welcome the sooner opportunity to meet with you to discuss the subject. I hope the tree has to be out. To tell the truth the tree is quite old and can fall down any time and I cant imagine that crash may happen.

While I am waiting for your decision, I hope that I am allowed to put away branches which directly cover the window. If I am allowed to do it, just call me as soon as possible and tell about it.



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