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2021-03-07 20:55:02




My hometown Gaochun is an old and beautiful city. It used to be quiet place. There were green hills, fresh air and many old houses. However, the area has changed a lot over the years. Now there are many new squares, new roads and a lot of tall buildings.

In the past, people could only go to there by bicycle or on foot. Many buses pass there now, people can take the taxi, car, bus, underground or light rail to Gaochun, and it is faster and easier to get there. The environment has also changed, too. The water is clearer, the tree is greener, and the air is fresher. We are happy to live in the beautiful city.




This summer vacation, I went back to my hometown, Yanling, and found that the changes in my hometown are really great. First, it is the wide road. Every night, the road is brightly lit and radiant. It looks like a fire dragon from afar. It's a bit like Bayi Avenue in Dongguan.

People in my hometown call it "the highway of Yanling". Because it is also a place for people to train, it is really very lively. The second change is that Yanling also has expressways. Yan Mu Expressway will be opened in October. Later, it is much better to go home nearby. It only takes 9 hours to get home, which is really great! Railways have also begun to be built in my hometown. It is estimated that it can be opened in a few years.

Mom joked with me: "believe it or not, when the train opens, the first train will definitely be the elderly." The Douli River beside the road has become so clear that even the tadpoles at the bottom of the river can see it clearly. Some people still wash clothes in the river! The tall buildings along the road rose up: the procuratorate building, the government building ... it was magnificent and resplendent. It was Chint Garden that affected me most. Because there is an artificial lake in it, surrounding the whole garden. This is so interesting. What a great change in my hometown!


My hometown is full of hardworking farmers, full of laughter from children, full of laughter from rivers, full of ducklings playing by the river and birds singing on branches. All day long, carefree and carefree. However, under the "lure" of high technology, the farmers have gradually become rich. Some people have even built factories near the river and cut down an old poplar tree in my hometown.

The clear river in my hometown has now become a "ruin": the small fish in the river turn up their white bellies and emit a foul smell, while the river has become thick "black" water emitting a foul smell. I don't understand why the once clear river was so cloudy. Now, I know: people built most factories and discharged a lot of waste water. I hope everyone can build up their awareness of environmental protection and make the river clear again.

I hope everyone will build up their awareness of environmental protection and make the river clear again. I hope my hometown is full of laughter and diligence again. I hope the bird sings again. I hope adults can grow up in a good environment for their next generation.



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