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2021-04-28 12:35:03


Dear Sir / Madam:


Dongbei University of Finance I was a senior student, we are going into the community and I look forward to the future is full of, I believe that "Well begin is half done", (a good beginning is half the success). I hope that the success of your company is the starting point, to have the luck with your company to create brilliance together.

I was born in the beautiful scenery of the border town - Linjiang, 97 years with outstanding results, I went to the Northeast University of Finance and Economics School of Economics and Management of Financial Accounting professional, then opened a new chapter in my life. I have been as a school class party branch secretary of the corporation, a busy train and exercise not only my ability to work and more training to solve the problem of my ability, so that the problems faced when I can calm analysis, careful thought, and this all for me the choice of professionals have had a profound impact.

At the same time do a good job, but also actively participate in school activities and to encourage students to participate, for their advice; in their daily lives, to closely unite the students, I believe that the collective force is powerful, and only you screw into a rope, in order to do a good job.

The needs of socialist modernization is a comprehensive quality management expertise, professional knowledge in the study at the same time, the main English and computers, in English, to strengthen training for my listening, speaking, reading and writing ability; in the computer, from the basis of knowledge to start, and further mastered the OFFICE of the function, but also self-learning of basic knowledge of the INTERNET can be used flexibly. Professional after the elections, in order to broaden their own knowledge, I also participated in the study Accounting mastered basic accounting software applications and EXCEL applications. In order to make their expertise to study together, I have also studied the case of the MBA teaching materials, such as strategic management, corporate governance, financial management, capital operation and so on, and apply it in their practical work.

"Sea diving with width, height鸟飞days", I hope you can give me an opportunity to display their talent, I will work hard, study hard and expertise, I trust the company placed high expectations.



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