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2021-05-05 14:50:14


california is full of natural wonders. here is death valley, 282 feet below sea level―the lowest land in the coun try. "general sherman" can be found in sequoia national park. the general is not a soldier, but the worlds oldest and biggest tree.

there is a special kind of stargazing you can do in los angeles―watching hollywood movie stars at work. in los angeles, too, are californias first "citizens"―fossils of the ice age. they were discovered in the tar pits of la brea one of the richest finds of prehistoric fossils ever unearthed. ahnost a million years ago, saber tooth tigers, giant sloths and other monsters stumbled into the pits where they were preserved forever in the sticky tar.

furthere north, on the seacoast, is the vandenburg air base where guided missiles and satellites blast off. you travel quickly in california――from the ice age to the space age.



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