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2021-05-17 08:05:02



1. Students can use the phrases and sentence patterns.

2. Encourage students to be helpful at home, at school and in the community.

教学重点:My mother makes the bed. I help her.


Step 1.Warming-up

1. Revision

(1). Look and say.(看图说短语)

(2). Listen and do.(听词语做出快速反应。)


2. Play a game.

Happy Fax (快乐传真)


Step 2. Presentation

1. Let’s learn.

T: Are you good children at home? Do you help your parents at home?

S:My mother makes the bed. I help her. (边教读边板书)

2. Let’s listen.

A. Listen to the tape for the first time and catch the key words, then answer my question: Does Lingling help her parents at home? What does Lingling often do at home?

B. Listen to the tape for the second time and repeat sentence by sentence.

3. Practise.Do pair works.

Tell your partners if you are good children at home and how you help your parents using the new sentence patterns.

4. Listening practise.

A. Listen to the tape for the first time and catch the key words.

B. Listen to it again and tick the right pictures quickly.

C. Listen to it for the last time and check the answers together.

5. Let’s write and say.

A. Write one or two sentences to tell us how you help your parents at home.

B. Read the sentences in class.

C. Put your sentences up on the blackboard.

6. Extension

Encourage students to be new-three-good students.

To be a good student at school.

To be a good child at home.

To be a good person in the community.

Step 3. Homework

Make a three-sentence-speech to tell us why you are a new-three-good student. We’ll choose two new-three-good students next time.

一、 Greetings and warming up.

1. Greetings

T: Are you ready for class? Class begins Good afternoon boys and girls Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Fan.

2. Warming-up

T: Look, we have so many friends here, are you happy?

OK, let’s play a guessing game, Let’s look and say

(放音乐,教师表演:cook a meal have a meal iron clothes, water plants, sweep the floor, wash clothes, wash dishes, clean the window, make the bed, buy some vegetable )

3. Free talk

T: I can do so many things. What do you do at home?

I can??

T: you can do many things. You can help your mother and father every day. You are so helpful.

( 教读help, helpful 出示帮助他人图片,理解helpful, 并带读) T: Now, can you help me to read these phrases?

(出示卡片,贴:makes the bed,irons the clothes, cleans the window, cooks a meal, sweeps the floor, buys some vegetables, washes clothes, washes dishes, waters plants,)

T: You are so wonderful. Thank you.

(出示灯片,Lingling 一家人)

T: Look, this is Lingling , She is helpful, too. She can help her mother and father do many things. What does she do at home, Look at the screen , and listen to the story.

二、 Presentation

1. Listen to the tape, and answer: where is Ann’s family? ( 看课文video,学生回答问题)

2. Listen , and underline the new words.

(教授新词 him, her, me, them.)

出示单词卡: her, 指名一女生读,T: Who can help her?(指单词her, 让学生猜义。)

T:Thank you, you are helpful.

T: My mother makes the bed, I help her. (出示图片)

(板书。带读, 个人读,小组读,全班读。)

T:Do you help your mother at home?

T: Sometimes, my father cleans the window, I help him. (出示图片)

T: Do you help your father at home?

T: Excellent, you are very helpful.

(教师贴单词,故作贴不上) /Oh, my god, Who can help me?


T: When I water plants, my father helps me. (出示图片)



a big meal (图片)

3. Read independently, and fill in the chart.

T: Lingling’s family is very helpful, Let’s read the story again, and finish the chart on your desk.


T:Have you finished it? Who can come here, help me to finish the chart? T: Thank you very much.

T: I think all of your family are helpful, maybe you can talk about your family,

I have a chart here, I want to interview some of you.


Now, It’s your turn now. Let’s make survey, please work in groups, ask and answer, finish your chart.



4. Read the text all together.

T: You’ve done a good job. Let’s read the story once again. (学生齐读课文。)

三、 Expansion

T: All of us are helpful, we can do many things for others, we are friends, the people in the world are a big family, we should help each other. In our school, we have an avtivities, hand by hand. You can help your partner, and learn from others.


Please write a short diary about your hand by hand




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