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初一英语上册Unit 1 This is me教学设计

2021-05-17 13:25:01

初一英语上册Unit 1 This is me教学设计

Teaching aims and demands:

1. To review the use of language in giving personal information.

2. To use personal pronouns correctly.

Key points:

The use of personal pronouns

Difficult points:

The use of personal pronouns

Teaching aids: 录音机,六个小孩的头像图片

Teaching methods: 阅读(精读 与略读)

Teaching procedures:


T:Yesterday I asked you to write some sentences to introduce yourself ,now I ask you to do it!( encourage them to go to the front)


T: Do you know the six new friends in Reading?


Show the table on the blackboard, then ask some questions to fill in the blanks and check out their answer.

1.What about his/her hair?

2.Does he/she wear glasses?

3.Does he/she tall or short?

4.What’s his/her hobby? (do EXB1)

Millie Simon Kitty Amy Sandy Daniel

Hair(short/long) Short Short Long Short Long Short

Glasses No No No Yes Yes Yes

Tall/short/slim / / Small Not


tall Quite tall

and slim /

Hobbies Reading book Playing football Dancing Swimming Listening to

music Playing computer game


Just now we know something about them ,now please read aloud the reading know more about them(说的同时可以附加手势引导学生理解)

Step4:Ask and answer

Let Ss ask more question about them

1. How old is Millie? (She is 12 years old.)

2. Where does she live now? (She lives in Beijing.)

3. who has a dog?

Step5: Listening and practice

Listen to the tape and do EXB2


write some sentences to introduce one of your classmates

read the textbook carefully and remember the new words 复备栏目



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