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初中英语《He said I was hard-working》教学设计

2021-05-19 11:15:01

初中英语《He said I was hard-working》教学设计


掌握文章中一些表个人评价的词汇hard-working(勤奋的), can do better(有待提高), do well in, be good at以及重要词组report card ,get nervous ,have a hard time ,another disappointing news ,Luckily 等。

能力目标: 用本节课的重点词汇能转述Alan的成绩单中的内容,并能够实现能力的迁移,学会向他人转述自己的成绩单中的内容。


II. Teaching key points and difficulties.



III. Teaching procedures

Step I. Greeting 2’

Step II. Lead-in 3’ (导)

T: Look at these pictures, do you know them? Who is she? And what did she say?

Xiao Xue: I’m hard-working. /

Liu Xing: I’m lazy.

Xiao Yu: I can do better.(录音---几个学生的回答)

T: What did she/he say? S: She said she was hard-working… (引导学生回答).

So, in this lesson, the teaching aims are…

Step III.3a Studying guides

1. Listen to the tape and find Alan’s report card. 3’

Listening guide: Look at three report cards carefully and circle the differences. So you should listen to some key words about subjects and differences when you listen to.(听力指导:迅速浏览A, B,C三个选项,并圈出不同之处, 当听的时候注意各科目及不同之处。) (要求:听录音,从A、B、C找出Alan的成绩单。))


Name: ____ Name: _____ Name: _____

Class: ____ Class: ____ Class: ____

Math ---hard-working Math: ---hard-working Math: ---hard-working

Spanish---good at listening Spanish---good at speaking Spanish---good at speaking

History---can do better History---can do better History---should do better

Science---lazy student Science---good student Science---lazy student


Step IV. Read 3a quickly. 5’

Reading guide: Read and match these phrases with Chinese meaning using 2 minutes.

( 阅读指导:快速浏览3a,划出、会读 并且将下列短语与其意思搭配,)


① report card a. 年终考试

② get nervous b. 成绩单

③ have a hard time with c. 另一个令人失望的结果

④ another disappointing results d. 在某方面有个艰难的时刻

⑤ Luckily e. 幸运的.是……(放在句首,修饰整个句子。)

⑥ end-of-year exams f. 变得紧张

⑦ Ok g. 不错( 副词,在文中修饰动词did)

2. Check the meaning and pronunciation and then find some difficulties.

3. Ask students to correct mistakes and teach them.

4. Let’s do a game to check. some difficulties ( 头脑风暴法)-----When the teacher speak English, students speak out the meaning in Chinese as quickly as possible. ( 活动目的是为了扫除新单词或词组的发音,为下面复述3a的文章做铺垫)

Step V. 1. Read 3a carefully and answer following questions using 5 minutes. (设计为任务型阅读,便于普通学生达标并将新单词和词汇放入问题中处理,如之前处理就脱离了语境,否则没法培养学生遇生词的能力。)

Reading guide: Read 6 questions and look at these key words underline. When you look for answers, you should look for key words underline. Using 5 minutes.

(阅读指导:自学内容---3a p30。自学要求与方法---通过在文章中寻找划横线关键词的方法, 回答下列问题.并注意人称与时态。自学时间---5分钟)


Q1---What did Alan get today? Did he get nervous?

---He got his report card today. And he got nervous.

Q2---How did Alan do in the end–of –year exams?

---Luckily, he did____ this time.

Q3---What did his math teacher say?

---His math teacher said___ ___ hard-working.

Q4--- What did his Spanish teacher say?

---His Spanish teacher said his listening ____ good

Q5--- What did his science teacher say? Did he has a hard time with science?

---His science teacher said ____ ____ a lazy student.

Q6---What’s disappointing news?

Disappointing news is in history.

Q7---What did his history teacher say?

---His history teacher said ____ ____ do better.


2. Check and show problems. Ask students to answer, If the answers are not quite right, ask other students to correct.

Step VI. Retell and sum up. 8’

1. Retell Alan’s report card according to answers to questions start like this.(根据问题的答案并结合黑板上Alan的成绩单复述Alan的成绩单。)

2. Guide them to retell together once.

3. Retell by themselves.

4. Ask several students to retell.

5. Four students a group, and discuss 3 questions using 2 minutes to sum up the structure about report card according to the main idea of each paragraph.

Dear grandma,

He got his report card today. Luckily, he did Ok this time. (开头)

His math teacher said he was hard-working. And his Spanish teacher said his listening was good. He was happy.本段是从成绩单的____(好/坏)的方面来复述。

But/ However, his history teacher said he could do better. And his science teacher said he was lazy. He was very disappointed.本段是从成绩单的________(好/坏)的方面来复述。文章用第___人称来复述,用了__________ 时态。

Step VII. Practice.

1. Retell your own report card. 5’

2. Retell 4’


复述指导:1.使用本节课重点词组hard-working, be good at speaking/writing/listening, can do better, a lazy student…



Step VIII. Homework

Write your own report card.(写作指导:先填写你自己上学期的成绩单,然后再写封信将你的成绩单的状况转述给你的朋友或亲人。

Step IX .Blackboard Design.

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.

Section B 3a—4

Name: ________

Class: _________

Math teacher--- hard-working

Spanish teacher---good at listening

History teacher--- can do better

Science teacher---lazy student



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