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2021-05-22 11:05:01




The completion of this paper marks an end to my three years of graduate studiesin China Foreign Affairs University. During the past three years, I have received muchhelp from many people.My deepest appreciation goes first and foremost to my supervisor Prof. WuQingjun. Prof. Wu is a knowledgeable and kind scholar. He has provided me withvaluable advice in choosing the thesis topic and organizing the content. Hismeticulous academic attitude has left a deep impression on me.I also want to thank other teachers who have taught and helped me during thethree years. I wouldn't have achieved what I have got today without their guidanceand help. They have set a good example to me as to becoming a responsible andreliable person.My appreciation also goes to the authors of the books, journal articles and papersI have referred to or got inspirations from. Their ideas help make this thesis awell-rounded one.Last but not least, I want to thank my family. My parents and sister have alwaysbeen there for me whenever I get frustrated. They would talk with me on the phonefor as long as one hour and I really appreciate and enjoy their understanding of andsupport for me.


Firstly, I owe my heartfelt thanks and appreciations to my supervisor ProfessorZou Weining for his time and energy he has spend on my writing. Without his timelyencouragement and valuable suggestions, the writing and completion of thedissertation would not be so smooth.Secondly, I would also like to express my gratitude to all the faculty members inCollege of Foreign Languages who have taught and helped me during all threeacademic years.Thirdly, my sincere thanks are also delivered to my family and friends, whoselove and help during the completion process of the dissertation will be treasured byme all my life.


My most sincere gratitude should first go to my supervisor, Prof. Ji Mofang,whose constant encouragement,illuminating instruction and meticulous guidancehave greatly contributed to the shaping of this thesis. It is she who has guided me intothe academic field of translation and it is also she who has inspired in me a particularinterest in translation of the lexis of Chinese folklore. She carefully read the drafts ofmy thesis and provided me with invaluable comments and suggestions. Without herhelp and careful effort, this thesis would not be what it appears now.I am also greatly indebted to Pro# Duan Youwen, from his encouragement andsuggestions I have undoubtedly benefited a great deal. Besides, I would like to extendmy appreciation to Prof. Wang Xueming, Prof. Jing Surong, and Pro# ZhengYangcheng who have also helped me in one way or another. It was through theirlectures I had the chances to acquaint myself with knowledge essential for this thesis.In addition, my thanks also go to all the other teachers and my dear friends for theirsupport and encouragement during my three-year study as a postgraduate.Finally, I dedicated this thesis with love and gratitude to my family members,who are always there to give me constant encouragement and support whenever Ineed. Their love is my perpetual treasure.



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