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2021-05-23 12:25:02




1. Walk ________ the bridge, then turn fight at the second crossing.

A. cross B. across C. crossing D. and across

2. They do eye exercises twice a day, so ________ of them ________ glasses.

A. few; put on B. few; wear

C. a few; put on D. a few; wear

3. Tom tried to make his parents ________ by making faces.

A. pleased B. pleasing C. please D. to please

4. ________ vegetables will keep you ________.

A. Eating; healthy B. Eating; health

C. To eat; health D. Eat; healthy

5. Our teacher has given us some good ________ English learning. It’s very useful.

A. advice to B. advices to C. advice on D. advices on


Many people of my generation say that there is no hope for the future because of the way that young people behave today.

Their first argument is that when we were 1 we used to look after the older people in our community and help them. They also say that young people today don’t care about anything or anyone. 2 , I think the reason why we looked after older people was that we had no 3 . People had to live with their parents and grandparents because they had no money. Young people today earn more and have more freedom to live where they want. 4 this, I think that they are still interested in older people. For example, young people often 5 to help me when I get on and off the bus with heavy shopping.

Their second argument is that in our day we didn’t expect to be given jobs — and that young people now don’t look for jobs, but just complain about unemployment. On the other hand, things were easier in the past and it was always easy to get a job if you had friends and contacts. It is really harder today. Young people complain about unemployment and I think they have 6 reason to complain.

In conclusion I think there is 7 for the future. This generation, like generations before them, has new 8 as well as old problems. If they learn from our mistakes the world will be a better place in future.

( ) 1. A. ignorant B. young C. childish D. innocent

( ) 2. A. Moreover B. Meanwhile C. Therefore D. However

( ) 3. A. trouble B. concept C. choice D. method

( ) 4. A. In addition to B. In spite of C. Due to D. As for

( ) 5. A. offer B. hesitate C. refuse D. mean

( ) 6. A. every B. no C. this D. another

( ) 7. A. possibility B. feasibility C. hope D. result

( ) 8. A. events B. questions C. hobbies D. opportunities


1.作为‘横穿,越过’的意思时,A. cross是动词 B. across 是副词,修饰动词。这个题主要选择修饰动词Walk 的词就可以,选B. across。

因为A. cross动词,两个动词不能紧挨 C. crossing动名词 D. and across要去掉and.


第二个空,戴眼镜用的是wear ,所以答案为B. few; wear。

3.这是make的一个用法,句型是make sb. +adj.,译为使某人怎么样,例如,

make me happy ,让我高兴;make her popular 使她很受欢迎等。所以这题要选个形容词,

在AB中选,注意A. pleased意思是(人)高兴的,修饰人 B. pleasing (物)令人高兴,修饰物。所

以答案定为A. pleased。

4.第二空:让你保持健康,词组为keep you healthy,从AD中选择,

eat ,动词,不能直接作主语,要变换为相应形式,如动名词才能做主语,选A. Eating; healthy

5.advice 不可数名词,不可以加s,排除B. advices to D. advices on,

选C. advice on,这个介词on这里的意思是“关于”。






1.要注意这里的we ,指的是与作者年龄相当的人。选B. young。意思为当我们年轻时我们时常照顾老


2.前一句 They also say that young people today don’t care about anything or anyone.这是别人的说法,

但是作者认为the reason why we looked after older people was······,所以这里是个转折关系,选D. However。

3. ······we had no choice ,本题选C. choice。固定搭配,have no choice ---别无选择。


A. In addition to除··外B. In spite of尽管 C. Due to 由于 D. As for 至于

从上下文语意选择,选B. In spite of尽管。

5.作者上句说,现在年轻人还是关心老人的`,比如说,看到老人提重东西上下公交车时,会提供帮助的。答案很明显就是 A. offer 提供。

6.作者整篇文章都是以理解的态度来为年轻人说话,所以这里提到 Young people complain about

unemployment 时,作者认为他们是有理由抱怨的,所以选A. every


,选C. hope 。

8.年轻一代既有新的机会也有老问题,选D. opportunities

A. events 事件 B. questions 问题 C. hobbies爱好 都不符合题意。



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