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2021-05-26 17:10:01



1. 刘翔是中国最受欢迎的明星之一。

Liu Xiang is one of ____________ in China.

2. 人们应该学会怎样保护自己。

People should learn .

3. 谁在敲门?是汤姆吗?

____ the door? Is ____ Tom?


Rice’s Story

Rice was a college student at 15, a professor at Stanford University at 26, and an advisor to the US president at 35. Rice has always been a high achiever. Now her greatest achievement has come as she replaces Colin Powell to be the US’s first black female Secretary of States (国务卿).

As a diplomat (外交官), Rice became the highest-ranking black woman in the history of the US Government. But her success was not a surprise to the people who knew her well.

Rice was born on November 14th, 1954 in a southern American state, at that time a very racist (种族偏见) state. Her childhood world was limited (限制) to the all black parts of town. But she believed her ability to succeed.

As an only child, young Rice was told to work hard to succeed. “To compete with white children, you have to be twice as good as them, three times as good to beat them,” said her father, vice president of a college. It was a lesson that she took to heart.

Luckily, Rice’s father and musical teacher mother had enough money to pay for her private lessons.

Rice started playing the piano aged three, gave her first performance at four and came first in a national

competition for teenagers. She even dreamed of being a pianist, but during college, a speech on

international relations (关系) opened another door for her. She started to study politics and got her doctor’s degree.

Rice is also good at language and sport. She speaks French, Russian and Spanish. She plays tennis, dances ballet.

Rice’s new job will not be easy. She must deal with US relations with Europe, and all the trouble in the Arab world.

1. Did Rice become the advisor to the US president at the age of 15?

2. Where was Rice born?

3. What made her a politician (政治家) instead of a pianist?

4. What language does Rice speak besides English?



1. the most popular stars

2. how to protect themselves/how they can protect themselves

3. Who’s knocking at, it/ that



1. No.

2. In a southern American state.

3.A speech on international relations during college.

4. French, Russian and Spanish.


1.原题是Did Rice become the advisor to the US president at the age of 15?

就在文章的`开头,Rice was a college student at 15,很显然这是错误的,所以答案是No.

2. 原题是Where was Rice born?,在文章中往下看,在第三段开头Rice was born on November 14th, 1954 in a southern American state, 所以答案定为 in a southern American state。

3.原题是 What made her a politician (政治家) instead of a pianist?

在倒数第三段She even dreamed of being a pianist, but during college, a speech on international relations (关系) opened another door for her.所以答案是a speech on international relations 。

4. 原题是What language does Rice speak besides English?

原文在倒数第二段,She speaks French, Russian and Spanish,所以答案就是这三种语言:French, Russian and Spanish。



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