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2021-05-27 08:10:03



1. We heard the girl _____ over there just now.

A. sings B. singing C. to sing D. sang

2. Help _____ to some bananas, children.

A. you B. yourself C. yours D. yourselves

3. The doctors are trying their best to save the _____ boy.

A. dead B. dying C. died D. diing

4. ---How many times _____you ______to Xi’an this year?

---Three times.

A. have; been

B. had; been

C. have; gone

D. had; gone

5. He likes to play _______the guitar ______the piano.

A.not; or

B.not only; but also

C.both; or

D.either; and


surprise woman amaze danger allow read difficult sandwich wait fall

1. One of my ___________ was eaten by a dog yesterday.

2. Don't touch the machine. It's ________________ .

3. Hurry up, don't keep your friends _____________ for you.

4. The ball struck him so hard that he nearly ____________ into the water.

5. Tom was very _____________ when he heard the news.

6. I enjoy ______________ Shakespeare's plays.

7. March 8th is _____________ Day. I will buy something nice for my mother.

8. The new aircraft was able to fly over the endless plains without any ______________ .

9. He has an ______________ talent (天赋) for music.

10. Mr. Gilbert asked the doctor when he would ________________ to leave the hospital and go home.


1.B 解析:感官动词用法,hear sb doing强调的是正在进行的状态,句末有Just now 可以看出本句要强调的是我们听到那个女孩正在唱歌。

2.D 解析:help oneself to sth表示汉语中自便的意思,经常在招呼客人的时候用,是固定用法,注意后面提到children,应该用复数yourselves。

3.B 解析:dying是形容词,意思是将死的,奄奄一息的。

4.A 解析:本题考查两点,1,句末有this year不需要用过去时态,BD排除。2,has been to和has gone to的区别。Has been to表示去过了,现在也回来了。Has gone to表示已经去了,说话的时候还没回来。

5.B 解析:本题中只有B是正确的搭配。


1.sandwiches 解析:sandwich是可数名词

2.dangerous 解析:danger的.形容词,意思是:危险地

3.waiting 解析:用法与题一中的感官动词类似

4.fell 解析:从前文中的struck推断出应该用过去时态。

5.surprised 解析:注意surprised 跟surprising的区别

6.reading 解析:enjoy doing

7.Women’s 解析:表示妇女节,固定用法


9.amazing 解析:注意amazing 跟amazed 的区别

10.be allowed 解析:Mr. Gilbert应该是被允许离开医院,用被动态。情态动词后用动词原形,所以用be allowed.



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