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2021-05-28 15:55:03



( ) 1. A. pencil B. ruler C. rubber D. pear

( ) 2. A. giraffe B. kitchen C. tiger D. monkey

( ) 3. A. head B. arm C. shoe D. tongue

( ) 4. A. swim B. went C. was D. ate

( ) 5. A. excited B. present C. happy D. sad


Robert was walking home from school one day. A boy in front of him fell over and dropped all of his things. Robert stopped and 1 the boy pick them up. They were going the same way, so he helped to carry some of his things. 2 they walked, Robert learned that the boy’s name was Tom.

When they arrived at Tom’s home, Robert was invited in for a coke and they watched some 3 . That afternoon passed happily with a few laughs and some small talks. When it was getting dark, Robert went home.

They 4 saw each other at school, had lunch together once or twice a week, and then they 5 finished junior middle school. They entered the same high school. They sometimes saw and talked with each other over the years. Just three weeks before they finished high school, Tom had a 6 talk with Robert.

Tom asked Robert if he still remembered the day when they first met. "Do you know 7 I was carrying so many things home that day?" asked Tom.

"You see, I cleared my locker(锁柜.) because I didn’t want to leave anything 8 anyone else. I had put away some of my mother’s sleeping pills and I was going home to kill myself. But after we spent 9 together talking and laughing, I 10 my plan. So you see, Robert, when you picked up those things that day, you did a lot more. You saved my life. "

( ) 1. A. found B. helped C. saw D. made

( ) 2. A. Since B. Before C. When D. Until

( ) 3. A. picture-books B. stories C. clothes D. videos

( ) 4. A. often B. almost C. nearly D. never

( ) 5. A. all B. both C. either D. neither

( ) 6. A. careful B. busy C. long D. lucky

( ) 7. A. that B. why C. where D. how

( ) 8. A. to B. by C. from D. with

( ) 9. A. sometime B. some times C. some time D. sometimes

( ) 10. A. laughed at B. found out C. got back D. gave up


1D 解析:汉语依次为:铅笔,尺子,橡皮,梨,显然选D

2.B 解析:长颈鹿,厨房,老虎,猴子,选B

3.C 解析:头,胳膊,鞋,舌头,选C

4.A 解析:是动词的原形和过去式的辨析,A是原形,其他为过去式。

5.B 解析:词性的辨析,ACD都是形容词,B为名词,礼物。


1. B 解析:从上下文的意思就可以定答案,是B,即Robert帮the boy 捡起。

2.C 解析:仍然是词意的辨析,when 表示当....的时候。

3. D 解析:稍微注意一下前面的`watch这个词,watch 意思是看,这种看是长时间的盯着看,比如我们平时说,watch Tv 就是一直看着电视节目;对于各种各样的书籍,我们说看书,实质上在英语里用法是read books,因此不能选A,而是D。

4. A 解析:often 常常,上下文语意选择

5. B 解析:从后一句话可知,他们都初中毕业,进入高中。‘两个人都’用both。

6. C 解析:选C的意思是,两个人have a long talk(谈了很多)

7. B 解析:从下一段可知,是解释当天为什么把东西带回家 ,所以这里用why.

8. A 解析:‘留给’用搭配leave to

9.C 解析:需要留意这四个词的区别,sometime 形容词:以前的some times 很多次some time 一段时间sometimes有时,时间副词

10.D 解析:上下文语意选择,从文中得知,原打算自杀,但后来放弃了。用give up



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