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2021-05-29 10:25:04





watermelon have a good time read help take

1. My teacher’s words are to me. I must thank her.

2. Please tell me if you at King’s party yesterday.

3. All these photos by my father in Hong Kong in 1997.

4. ---What can I do for you?

---I’d like to buy a few kilos of .

5. ---Have you finished the newspaper?

---No, not yet.


1. She is afraid of ________.

A. laughed B. being laughed at

C. laughing at D. being laughed

2. The villagers are ________ the factory. They keep complaining about the noise.

A. pleased with B. fed up with

C. surprised at D. worried about

3. --Do you feel like ________ or shall we go by bus?

--I prefer to walk, but we have ________ a taxi, for time is short.

A. walking; to take B. to walk; taken

C. walking; taken D. to walk; to take

4. This CD - ROM is quite useful. It can help us learn English and geography ________.

A. at times B. at this time

C. at the same time D. by the time

5. The English words “Made in China” ________ the back of a watch.

A. are written in B. is writing on C. is written in D. are written on

6. He ________ them free and ________ their life better. This made them ________ happy.

A. get; let; felt B. let; got; feel

C. set; made; feel D. made; set; feeling

7. We can always ________ a bus ________ there is a problem with the car.

A. take; if B. stop; though C. lend; while D. keep; because

8. The vase ________, and it ________ by Tom this morning.

A. broken; is broken B. is broken; was broken

C. has broken; is broken D. was broken; had broken

9. What are you ________? I’m thinking we must ________ our teaching plan.

A. thinking of; talk of B. thinking about; talk about

C. think of; talk about D. thinking about; talk with

10. The lazy boy ________ to school ________ ten o’clock yesterday morning.

A. didn’t got; until B. didn’t get; until

C. didn’t get; at D. didn’t arrive; until



Keys: 1. helpful 2. had a good time 3. were taken 4. watermelons 5. reading



解析:1.原题;She is afraid of ________.

is afraid of ,of 是介词,后面的动词要变成doing的形式,排除AC,

从语意上看,她害怕被嘲笑,嘲笑是laugh at,at不可省略。所以选B. being laughed at.

2.A. pleased with 满意,高兴, B. fed(原形feed) up with对…厌烦

C. surprised at 对··吃惊 D. worried about对…担忧,

根据后一句话keep complaining 一直抱怨·····可知是不满意,选B。

3. feel like doing 想要干某事,排除BD,

这里语意but we have ________ a taxi,是不得不打车,是have to do,选A。

4.A. at times 有时 B. at this time 此时此刻

C. at the same time 同时 D. by the time 到···时候,到那时

原句意思是 learn English and geography 两者同时进行,选C. at the same time

5.主语是The English words,谓语动词是复数,从AD 中选,字是写在手表的背上,应该用on。

所以选D. are written on

6.最后一个空make ······do sth. 排除AD,

第二空,上生活更好用的是make ,所以选C. set; made; feel

7. 后一个空就可以定答案,可以放进去试一下是否通顺是否符合逻辑,选A,


8.先看后一个空,时间是 this morning,所以是过去时,花瓶是被打破的,所以是一般过去时的被动形

式,是was/were done的形式,选B.

9.第一个空,已经有系动词are ,后面接的动词应该用doing 形式,排除C

后一个空,谈论计划,D. talk with+sb ,排除,关于 talk of与 talk about,都可以接谈论某事,但是口语中多用about ,talk of应用于正式文体及文学写作中,所以,选B. thinking about; talk about

10. 到达 的表示有,get to ,arrive at/in ,reach.所以排除AD,A. didn’t got------改为get;D. didn’t arrive; arrive 不与to搭配。另外,这里考点是not ·····until 直到···才,翻译为:The lazy boy昨天上午直到十点才上学。选B. didn’t get; until



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