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八年级上册《 How do you get to school》的教学设计

2021-05-30 17:55:01

八年级上册《 How do you get to school》的教学设计



Section A第一课时 :以听说为主,利用多媒体感受语言,通过听和看图来确定或描述人物的出行方式,教材以How do you get to school?为中心话题,围绕“traffic way”展开,运用一般现在时。Section A与学生的实际密切相关,易于引发学生用英语进行交际交流,完成听说读写的任务活动,重点掌握和熟练应用 How do you get to school?How long does it take? 及其答语等句型。



掌握有关交通的词汇,如take the subway/train, ride the bicycle, go by bus/boat/plane, go on foot, transportation, bus stop, train station,kilometer, mile, river以及其它一些词汇。


How do you get to school? I ride my bike.

How long does it take?

It takes about forty minutes.





让学生感受到他们学习英语是为了在现实生活中进行交流,而不单纯是为了英语课和应付考试而学习,了解东西方国家出行方式的不同,以及不同的交通规则,教育学生注意交通安全, 加深对交通知识的了解。





1 交际法和情景法教学。

2 以学生为中心和任务型教学,采用多媒体辅助教学,引导各层次学生自主学习。


How do you get to school? I take the …/ride …/ walk…

How long does it take?It takes forty minutes.


Step I Warmingup:

Count the numbers

Step II Lead in


Ss : Good morning , teacher.

T: Good morning , class

T: Look at the picture. What can you see?Do you like your school? I usually get to school by bike , but sometimes on foot . How do you get to school?

Ss 按实际情况作答

S1: I ride my bike.

S2: I go by bus.

S3: ………

T: Very good . You’re clever. Let’s learn Unit 4 Section A . 之后板书:“Unit 4 How do you get to school?”

Step III Presentation

1 T: If you are here , but your school is in Shanghai. How do you get to school?

Ss: I take the bus /plane/ boat / ship / car / taxi

I ride a bike / motorbike

T: Do you know any other ways?

2.Teacher showspictures on the computer .归纳出行方式和常用短语.

Ask some questions about how you get to…?


3 Show a picture about Part 1 , on the computer .

Point at girls or boys in the picture .

Ask students to answer and write in the blanks .

S1 : How does he / she go to school?

S2 : He / She … …

4 看图对话,集兴趣与实用于一身

Listen to the tape , twice ,and try to match them.

1 Bob take the subway

2 Mary take the train

3 Paul walk

4 Yang Lan take the bus

5 John

Listen again and try to finish 1b, then discuss the answers.


5.Practice in groups or pairs.

Look at the pictures. How do students get to school? Make conversations..

S1 : How does he get to school?

S2 : He gets to school by car.

S1 : How do they get to school?

S3 : They…….


Step III. Listen and repeat.

T shows the numbers on the TV and ask them to say together and then check some students . Pay attention to “--ty” .Do 2b together. Then listen twice to match 2c and check the answers.


Step IV

1.Show a picture on the TV and explain these are your home and school .Teach1 How long2 10 minutes home----------school

Look at 2dThen make up a dialogue to practice.

A: How do you get to school?

B: I usually take the bus.

A: How long does it take?

B: It takes 30 minutes by bus

利用多媒体导入how long 和minutes是网络与英语的经典整合。

2. Practice学生看图片,小组内合作练习,找学生回答,老师就学生情况作出评价.

3. Grammar Focus

⑴Give them 3 questions on the TV . Read the passage in groups and try to answer them. If you have any questions, you can ask me.

A How does he get to school?

B How long does it take?

C How far is it from his home to school?

⑵ Check the answers and solve the difficult points.

4. Play games to practice “how” “how long ” “how far”


Step VSum up

1 If you have any questions ,put up your hands.

2 What do you learn from this lesson?

S1 : We learn some knowledge about the traffic.

S2:We should choose the best traffic way to save time and money.

S3: Safety is the first, we should be careful if we’re out.

T: You’re wonderful , you’re the best, thank you.


Step VI Homework

Revise the key phrases in Section A 1a.

Searchsome words about transportation to make cards and try to

introduce them to the classmates next time.

( search the Internet or ask the othersto discuss how students around the world get to school.)



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