趣文网 > 作文大全


2021-06-03 16:40:01



a. Get Ss t learn se basic infratin abut the endangered anials.

b. Read a passage abut Asian elephant fact file and intrduce an endangered anial b fllwing the exaple.

c. Help Ss t iprve their writing sills.




Teaching iprtant pints:

a.Get Ss t realize the iprtance f saving the anials in danger and prtecting the nature.

b. Get Ss t learn hw t call n re peple t realize the iprtance f saving the anials in danger and tae easures t prtect the.

Teaching difficult pints:

a. Guide the Ss t use tw basic ethds f expsitin:definitin and nubers.

b. Enable the write an expsitin abut an endangered anial.


活动1 Lead in

Shw the class se pictures abut the endangered anials and as the “What is the English fr the ?” Shw a picture f the giant panda. As:Hw uch d u nw abut the giant panda ?

活动2Step II. Intrductin

1. Shw a spidergra abut Asian elephants.

2. Match the subtitle in the bx with the infratin in the spidergra.

3. Analze the basic ethds f an expsitin accrding t “Asian elephant fact file”


活动3Step III. Writing

1. Mae a list f the subheadings f a spidergra and enable Ss t draw a spidergra abut an endangered anial.

2. Fill in the specific infratin abut each subheading.

3. Write ne r tw sentences t intrduce each subheading f the endangered anial b using the ethds f an expsitin. Mae sure t write it ne b ne s as t cpare each endangered anial.


Suppse u are an endangered anial and intrduce urself accrding t the subheadings u have written.

设计意图: 通过口头复述,对说明文中的信息进行整合和再现,进一步提高学生的归纳能力。通过小组讨论引导学生分析问题及解决问题,激发学生热爱动物的感情,增强保护动物的意识。

活动4Step IV. Hewr

rite a shrt passage t spea fr an endangered anial b fllwing the pattern.


Hell, I a a ______. M he is in ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

M he is lsing because _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

It is ind f u t help prtect he because the earth is a he t bth u and e.




作文与考试 初中写人作文 作文我长大了 爱 作文 以梦想为话题的作文600字 老师我想对你说作文500字 照片里的故事500字作文 三年级作文桃花300字 我的理想作文450字 以坚持为话题的作文 写环卫工人的作文 乡村风景作文 高中英语作文范文 有关梦想的作文 200字作文大全 初中作文400字 竹子的作文 云的作文 理解作文 中学生作文 一封信作文 观察作文 我敬佩的一个人作文300字 我的奇思妙想作文400字 新年趣事作文400字 我爱我家作文300字 自我介绍作文400字 珍藏的记忆作文 关于消防的作文 我的一家作文