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冀教版英语六年级上学期《Lesson 7 Are you ready for a quiz》

2021-06-05 16:05:01

冀教版英语六年级上学期《Lesson 7 Are you ready for a quiz》

Step 1 : Class opening and Review

1、Use the quiz in the student book as review listen to the tape observe your dasely .

1)Is this a refrigerator or a stove ?

It’s a refrigerator . It’s cold inside .

2)Are these dishes clean or dirty ?

They’re clean .

3)Is this a bathtub or a shower ?

It’s a shower .

4)What is Mr. Smith doing ?

He’s drying the dishes in the sink .

5)Where’s the toilet ?

That’s easy ! It’s in the bathroom .

2、Ask and answer in pairs to practice the sentences .

Step 2 Read the story “ Baby Becky helps her mother . ”

1、Repare to read .

Here are some questions you can use to prepare the students for the story :

a : Who remembers Baby Becky ?

b : Has anyone taken care of a little child ?

c : Was it easy or hard ?

d : Do little children like to share ?

e : What is Baby Becky doing in this story ?

2、Listen to the tape .

3、Discuss .

Here are some questions you can use to reinforce the main idea of the story :

Did Baby Becky “ help ” her mother cook ?

Did her mother have fun ? Why not ?

How does Baby Becky get dirty ?

Where does Baby Becky have fun ?

Where does her mother take Baby Becky when she is dirty ?

Where does her mother go when she is tired ?

Do you like this story ? Why or Why not ?

Step 3 Summary

This lesson we reviewed some sentences and understand a story . Please tell the story to your parents .

Step 4 Homework

Activity-book .



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