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On Excessive Packaging英语四级作文范文

2021-06-16 14:40:04

On Excessive Packaging英语四级作文范文

Nowadays, the phenomenon of excessive packaging has becoming increasingly serious. Lots of packages have already deviated from their original function. Excessive packaging is a serious waste phenomenon, which deserves our special attention and penetrating research.

There are many reasons accounting for excessive packaging. Firstly, the promotion effects of excessive packaging have been greatly exaggerated by interest-driven merchants. Furthermore, it is irrational consumption that led to the phenomenon of excessive packaging. The last but not the least, as everyone sees it that distempered of the related laws and regulations and inadequate enforcement of the law together contributed to this phenomenon.

As far as I am concerned, excessive packaging not only creates waste of resources, but also causes unnecessary environment pollution, so we should try our best to eliminate this phenomenon completely. To avoid excessive packaging, we should increase our awareness of this phenomenon and change our ideas towards it. We should also establish the atmosphere of simple packaging, advocate appropriate packaging and build a conservation-minded society.



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