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《I Remember》教学设计小学六年级教案

2021-07-11 12:20:01

《I Remember》教学设计小学六年级教案

教学目标:Review regular and irregular past-tense verbs.

教学重难点:Ask the students to remember regular and irregular past-tense verbs. They can say sentences with them.


一、 Review

Play “Santa” to review vocabulary from unit 4 of level 7.

二、 Key Concepts

1、 Practice verb tenses with a chart. Write “yesterday”,“today”,“tomorrow” across the top of the blackboard. Ask the students to call out words from the lesson in the student book. Write these under “yesterday”. Then write “buy”,“think”, “teach”, “go”, “see” and “eat” under “today”. Ask the students to call out the corresponding words in the lesson for me to write under “yesterday”. Then ask for volunteers to complete the chart.

2、 Divide the class into pairs. Each student draws a picture of something that happened during Li Ming’s visit to Canada. They label as much of their pictures as they can in English. They then take turns describing their pictures to their partners.

3、 Teach “Red river Valley” in Number2 of the student book.

三、 Activity book

四、 Homework

Writing on the blackboard:

Lesson27 I Remember

Yesterday today tomorrow

Cleaned clean

Washed wash

Talked talk

Wanted want

Laughed laugh



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