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2021-07-17 15:55:01


I was depressed.

I don't think that's a reasonable excuse

Sorry. I...

For an illusion?

George! What do you think you're doing?

- You think I can't smell? - You can smell all you want.

- You're late. - I was so engrossed in my work.

But, George, if you keep performing the way you are,

Bring it to me completed by the end of the period.

if you are seen anywhere in the city smoking,


Yes, we shall.

I wasn't joking.

And not a single one of them made it.

And I'm screaming at 经典台词the top of my lungs

Everything seemed meaningless,

Who's smoking up here?

We all die alone.

for not completing your trigonometry exercise.

no girl,

Oh, yes? Why was that?

forget about college, forget about graduating, even.

You better go.

Because I realized I'm gonna die one day.


no assignments about conjugating the pluperfect

Why are you telling me?

Someone I used to know

Not just for college.

something like 110 billion human beings have been born into this world.

Shall we get down to business?

Since the dawn of recorded history,

you're thinking it's too late and you're gonna be a fatalist

All right, go.

I've got a cupboard with cans of food

"We live alone, we die alone. Everything else is just an illusion. "

or determining the square root of the hypotenuse

In a way, your future depends on the next few months.

I was having a tough day.

I guess the stress finally got to me, Mrs. Dougherty.

and let it all go to hell.

I thought probation was next.

you have your privileges revoked. Automatic probation.

It used to keep me up at night.

and find meaning in the homework.

That comes out to about 160,000 per day.

And don't make me regret it.

Pretending the echoes belong to someone

I'll try.

Because no amount of friends,

But I think I can do it.

I have better things to do with my time.

And I'm not coming out until this is all over

And I'm looking through the glass

Where the light bends at the cracks

Do you have your work, George?

Neither do jokes.

There are 6.8 billion people on the planet.

Filtered water and pictures of you

So, why am I supposed to spend my life working, sweating, struggling?

Boy, I wouldn't wanna be you right now.

- No. - Why not?

including the assignment, unfortunately.

And we become

Don't play the angles, George. They won't work.

Well, I was trying to.

We're all gonna die one day, George.

I know you're capable.

is gonna help me avoid my fate.

I read this quote once when I was a kid,

Roughly 60 million of them die every year. 60 million people.

- I haven't done anything. - You've always done something.

I mean, it sets the tone for everything that follows.

this counts as your official warning. Suspension is next.

Silhouettes when our bodies finally go

I want you to go to the principal's office

I have a real problem with motivating.

I just couldn't shake this awareness of my mortality.

Even though you have off-campus privileges as a senior,

Now, I know how you think and I know



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