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2021-07-23 13:40:01




(字母y的发音) 1. A. busy B. very C. many D. my

(字母ed的发音)2. A. worked B. called C. moved D. carried

(字母t的发音) 3. A. listen B. ten C. lost D. waste


A: Hi, Lin Tao. I’ve got some good news for you.

B: 1 __________________ ?

A: I hear some foreigners will come to our English class.

B: Really? 2 __________________ ?

A: Tomorrow morning.

B: 3 __________________ ?

A: Canada. They’ll give us a talk after class.

B: That’s great. 4 __________________ ?

A: They are going to talk about the schools in Canada.

B: Good. Shall we go to the library to read something about Canada?

A: 5 __________________ 。


1.共同字母y的"发音--- A. busy B. very C. many 都是短音/i/。D. my发音为/ai/.

2.共同字母ed的发音--- A. worked 发音为/t/ B. called C. moved D. carried发音为/d/.

3. 共同字母t的发音--- A. listen 不发音 B. ten C. lost D. waste发音为/t/.


Keys: 1. What’s it ?

2. When/ What time will they come? / When/ What time are they coming?

3. Where are they from? / Where do they come from?

4. What are they going to talk about?

5. OK. Let’s go. / Good idea.


A: Hi, Lin Tao. I’ve got some good news for you.我有好消息告诉你。

B: 1 __________________ ?下一句回答是消息的具体内容,可知这句问的是:是什么消息?What’s

it ?

A: I hear some foreigners will come to our English class.

B: Really? 2 __________________ ?回答是时间,提问的当然就是:他们什么时候来呀? When/

What time will they come?

A: Tomorrow morning.

B: 3 __________________ ?下一句回答是国家,加拿大。问的应该是;他们来自于哪里?Where are

they from?

A: Canada. They’ll give us a talk after class.

B: That’s great. 4 __________________ ?下一句回答是,他们将谈论学校···。可知问题是,他们谈论什么?What are they going to talk about?

A: They are going to talk about the schools in Canada.

B: Good. Shall we go to the library to read something about Canada?

A: 5 __________________ 上一句是一般疑问句征求意见,我们去····好吗?答案当然是,好啊/好主意之类的。OK. Let’s go. / Good idea



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