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2021-07-23 16:15:01




( ) 1. A. dig B. fish C. right D. pick

( ) 2. A. book B. boot C. good D. foot

( ) 3. A. map B. wash C. bag D. fat

( ) 4. A. be B. bed C. left D. red

( ) 5. A. go B. so C. hot D. home


I have a very useful dictionary. It has a lot of words. It gives many meanings for 1 word. But I always read the first meaning of a word in the dictionary. I never read the other meanings, because I wanted to read my book 2 .This morning, 3 I was reading a book, I met a strange sentence. It looked 4 first. The sentence had six words: “Draw a picture of your house”. I know five words in this sentence, but I didn’t understand one word. I 5 “draw”. I opened my dictionary and 6 the first meaning of "draw". It was" pull". I said to myself" Now I know all the words, and I think I can understand the sentence. So I wrote the meaning of the sentence. “Pull a picture of your house.” I read it, and “What is the meaning of it? I don’t understand it.”

My friend Dick read my new sentence. He laughed. He picked 7 my dictionary, and said to me.“Look, Jack. The second meaning of’ draw’ is’ make a picture 8 a pen, a pencil 9 brush. So the sentence means: Make a picture of your house.” I understood! I thought Dick was wonderful. And 10 I knew how to use my dictionary.

( ) 1. A. some B. another C. each D. the other

( ) 2. A. quickly B. quick C. slow D. slowly

( ) 3. A. how B. who C. what D. when

( ) 4. A. difficult B. hardly C. easy D. easily

( ) 5. A. don’t know B. didn’t know C. knew D. know

( ) 6. A. looked for B. discovered C. found D. invented

( ) 7. A. by B. out C. up D. with

( ) 8. A. use B. with C. on D. by

( ) 9. A. or a B. and a C. and D. or

( ) 10. A. at last B. at the beginning C. at the end D. at first



1. C 解析:A:短衣音/i/ B:短衣音/i/ C:双元音/ai/ D:短衣音/i/

2.B 解析:这题稍有难度,是长短音的辨别。

一个小口诀帮你记忆发音为短音/u/的`常见词---- 教室里 脚 做饭 ,书 好 看

classroom foot cook,book good look


3.B 解析:A:梅花音 B:/c/(这个音标打不出只好打反的) C:梅花音 D:梅花音

4.A 解析:A:长衣音/i:/ B:/e/ C:/e/ D:/e/

5.C 解析:A:/o / B: /o/ C:/c/(这个音标打不出只好打反的) D:/o /


1. C 解析:word 为单数,排除A和D;从意思上选择C,排除B。

2. A 解析:read为动词,应与副词搭配,排除B,C;从上下文可知,我想读得快,所以选A。

3. D 解析:when表示‘当....的时候’,其他选项都不合适。

4. C 解析:look:看起来,是感官动词,后面接形容词,只能从AC中选,从后文“这句话六个单词我知道五个”可知,是简单的,所以选C.

5. B 解析:从上下文意思可知,我不知道draw这个单词的意思。

6. C 解析:考点是四个动词的意思辨析,look for 强调寻找的过程,翻译为‘寻找’



7. C 解析:pick up:拿起

8. B 解析:介词用法,with :用,以

9.A 解析:brush毛刷,画笔。是可数名词,前加一个冠词a,只能从AB选;画画儿的时候是用钢笔,铅笔或者是画笔,所以选A。

10. A 解析:at last :最终。最后一句话是总结句,意思是通过这样一件事情,最终我懂得了怎样用字典。



初一半期考作文 积跬步以至千里作文 五年级作文开学了 万能的作文开头 我的个性作文 吃包子的作文 知行合一作文素材800字 龙眼作文500字 精彩的拔河比赛作文 葡萄介绍作文 枕头大战作文 作文新学期新起点 家的温暖作文 初一英语下册作文范文 九年级全一册英语作文 大学规划作文 点面结合的作文 游戏真让我着迷作文 高中作文满分多少分 三年级猜猜她是谁作文300字 七星岩的作文 妈妈送伞作文 家乡的春节六年级作文 文明的力量作文 语文四年级上册第二单元作文 太阳作文600字 我家的一盆花作文 作文最美的风景600字 改变 作文 作文我的班级