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2021-07-24 13:50:02



although, but, despite, except for, though, however, in spite of, instead,nevertheless, on the other hand, otherwise, rather than, though, yet

bx) You can copy down my answers, although I'm not sure they're right.

by) In the US it is normal for the police to carry guns, but not in Britain.

bz) Despite international pressure, progress has slowed in the peace talks

ca) Pen Pros: Except for personal letters, handwritten notes are withering into extinction.

cb) The rooms, though small, were pleasant and airy.

cc) This is a cheap and simple process. However there are dangers.

cd) In spite of her success, Spencer continues to get depressed.

ce) Cardew did not join the navy. Instead, he decided to join the theater and become an actor.

cf) Thus we can talk of a local government system which is different from a central government system but nevertheless interacts with it.

cg) Reintroduction of food after elemental regimens must nevertheless be undertaken with the greatest of care irrespective of whether or not elimination diets are used.

ch) The hamburger was tough and overcooked. The fries, on the other hand, were terrific, and well worth the money.

ci)Stir the sauce until it cools, otherwise it will be lumpy.

cj)It presumes that reality is dynamic rather than static, and therefore seeks relationships between ideas, to aim at synthesis.

ck) There is no important theory-based reason why these countries rather than others were selected.

cl)The offenders were dealt with firmly though fairly.

cm) They charge incredibly high prices, yet customers keep coming back for more.



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