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2021-07-26 11:15:02




1 One of the main features of our human language is arbitrariness .Can you briefly explain what is this feature refers to ? Give examples if necessary(10 points). <北师大2003年试题)

2 In english we can describe a story as "a successful story" or "a success story ".Do you think they mean the same ? Please explain and give your reasons(10 points) ,<同上》

3 Expain the following terms ,giving examples where necessary.(50 points) <中山2003》 design feature macrolinguistics vowel minimal pair folk etymology aspect anopho r error analysisr metaphor

4 Language can change through blending ,metanalysis ,back-formation, analogical creation and borrowing.Give two english words for each of them (5 points) 清华2000年试题

5 Answer the following question briefly.clearly,grammatically and correctly.(10 Points ) 湖南师大2003年

What is it wrong to assume that the meaning of a sentence is the sum of the meaning of the words which compose it ?

7 Define the following terms.(10 points) 中国海洋大学1999

Phoneme ,consonant,morpheme,lexicon,syntax,endocentric construction,semantics,hyponymy ,language ,design feature

8 Define the following terms .(20 points) 苏州大学1997 allophone morpheme assimilation internal authority interlanguage phatic communion

closed-class word government semantica triangic lingua franca

What is the main grammatical difference between a sentence and a clause ? 同上

6 Translate into chinese and exemplify each of the following.(10 points )

Example : dialectal synonyms

Answer , 方言同义词, Fall and autumn are dialectal synonyms .

homography homophony gradable opposites endocentric constuction

exocentric construction

9 大连外国语学院1992年语言学全部试题 100 POINTS

List the six important characteristics of human language .

What are the types of morphemes ?

Illustrate the deep and surface structures .

What do u know about the semantic features ?

How does language change ?

10 Words in our mental lexicon are known to be related to one another .Discuss the relationships between words ,using examples from the english language .(15 points ) 北外2003年试题

11 What do you think are the similarities and dissimilarities between learning a first and a second language? ( 30 points) 同上



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