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2021-07-28 14:35:01


W: Can I help the next person in line?

M: I just need to send this letter the fastest way possible.

W: Let’s see. We have overnight business service. That takes just two day.

(Text 5)

W: Would you like to come mountain climbing with us?

M: That’s the last thing in the world I ever want to do.

(Text 6)

W: Is there anything worth watching on another channel?

M: I think there’s western film on.

W: Do you mind if we watch it? I’d really like to see it.

M: Wel1, I really wanted to see the baseball game(Text 7)

M: Mary, tomorrow is your Mom’s 50th birthday, did you remember?

W: Of course I do. How shall we celebrate it?

M: First of all, a birthday present. What about buying her a beautiful skirt?

W: That’s a good idea. It’ll make her look younger. And a birthday cake too,with 50 candles.

M: We can have it at home. I’ve learned to cook a few dishes from a Chinese friend. I’m sure Mom will like them.

M: All right. Are you going to do the shopping as well?

W: Why don’t we go together, Dad?

M: OK, when?

W: How about this afternoon?

(Text 8)

M: This soup is delicious. What’s in it Mary?

W: I am sorry, what?

M: You know sometimes I think you watch too much TV.

W: Oh, I hardly ever watch TV.

M: Are you serious?

W: Well, sometimes I watch the morning shows and I usually watch the late movies.

M: And you always have dinner in front of the TV. I mean,you never talk to me.

W: Yes, I do. I talk to you during commercials.

(Text 9)

M: Good afternoon. I believe this house is for sale.

W: That’s right.

M: May I have a look at it, please?

W: Why, yes, of course. Let me show you around.

M: How long have you lived here?

W: I’ve lived here ever since my son was born,and now he’s 30.

M: Oh, that’s quite a long time. Then why do you want to sell it?

W: I’ve just retired. I want to buy a small house in the country. It’s quiet and the air is fresh there.

M: How much do you want for it?

W: $ 150,000

M: That’s a lot of money. Can you bring it down?

W: I’m sorry but I think it’s worth the price.

M: I like the house but I can’t decide now. My wife must see it first.

W: Woman always has the last word.

(Text l0)

Tom’s father is a doctor, and he wants Tom to become a doctor, too. However, Tom would rather be an artist. He loves to draw and paint. People say that he is very talented. Tom’s parents say it would be foolish for Tom to become an artist, because artists don’t make enough money to support themselves. Tom is now in a medical school, but he is not very happy. He doesn’t mind



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