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2021-08-02 13:05:02



1. Last month, Howard Schmidt, the nations cyber-czar, offered the federal government a proposal to make the Web a safer placea voluntary trusted identity system that would be the high-tech equivalent of a physical key, a fingerprint and a photo ID card, all rolled into one.

句子由48个单词构成,其中包含一个同位语(双逗号中间),一个破折号,使得句子整体上看来晦涩难懂。但句子中一旦出现某个人,那么同位语一般是对这个人物身份地位的描述,可忽略不看;而单破折号起到的就是解释说明其前面内容的作用。这样一处理,该句子就变得简单了。其主干是:Howard Schmidt offered the federal government a proposal(offer sb. sth.向某人提供某物);句首的Last month是时间状语,交代时间;the nations cyber-czar是同位语,说明Howard Schmidt身份;to make the Web a safer place是a proposal的定语;而破折号后整个内容是a proposal同位语,对其进行解释说明。同位语中包含了一个定语从句that would be the high-tech equivalent of a physical key, a fingerprint and a photo ID card, all rolled into one(定语从句的表语由of+并列的名词修饰,句尾的all rolled into one是of后的.并列名词的同位语成分)修饰a voluntary trusted identity system。该句子的含义为:美国网络总管Howard Schmidt上个月向联邦政府提供了一个旨在使网络环境更为安全的提议,即:一个自愿可信身份系统,这款系统是集物理秘钥、指纹以及照片身份证件卡片于一体的高科技等价物。

2. Mr. Schmidt described it as a voluntary ecosystem in which individuals and organizations can complete online transactions with confidence, trusting the identities of each other and the identities of the infrastructure on which the transaction runs.

相比第1个句子而言,该句子略显简单,但其中的定语从句及v-ing结构所充当的伴随状语成分仍然值得考生们的关注。该句子的谓语部分采用了:describe sth. as sth.结构,句子主干是Mr. Schmidt described it as a voluntary ecosystem其中宾补被定语从句in which individuals and organizations can complete online transactions with confidence修饰限定,该定语从句中又插入了现在分词结构trusting the identities of each other and the identities of the infrastructure on which the transaction runs作伴随状语,并且其中又嵌入了一个定语从句on which the transaction runs对the identities of the infrastructure修饰限定。该句子的含义是:Schmidt先生将其描述为一个自发的生态系统,在该系统中,个人和组织可以信任彼此及交易运行平台身份,放心地完成在线交易。



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