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2021-08-09 10:25:02


醉酒驾车(Drunken Driving)

Given are three quite simple but rather thought-provoking drawings. As is revealed in the first one, two men were raising glasses of wine and toasting each other. In the second one, two cars ran into each other and we can imagine the drivers must be the two drinkers. In the last picture, the same two men were lying in the hospital, both with bandage on their legs.

Evidently, the pictures target at revealing an increasingly prevalent illegal practice: drunken driving. No one can have failed to notice the fact that a mounting number of people died or got injured in accidents resulting from drunk driving. In Hangzhou, China, for example, two innocent young people lost their lives in two accidents that happened within a very short period of time. Actually, the phenomenon has been so widespread that it has drawn nationwide concern.

To our relief, we can see pertinent laws and regulations have been worked out and enforced to punish those who drive after drinking. However, I believe that more can be done to prevent things from getting worse. For one thing, severer laws can be made and put into effect. For another, the sale of alcohol should be limited in restaurants.



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