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2021-08-09 13:20:08



This is the Top Five Countdown! Were celebrating the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 pop singles chart, for the week ending August 30, 2014.

Last week, we welcomed a new song thats leaping up the chart.

This weekwe welcome a new song thats leaping up the chart. Its dj vu all over again!

Lets begin in fifth place, where Iggy Azalea and Charli XCX dip two slots with Fancy. Iggy just took the Ice Bucket Challenge. If you frequent social media, youre probably aware of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: it involves people pouring buckets of ice water over their heads to raise awareness about the deadly disease ALS. Iggy braved the icy water while nominating her singing pals Charli XCX and Rita Ora.

Last week, it seemed the jig was up for Ariana Grande and Zedd, as Break Free stagnated in 18th place. This week, it rockets to number four. Sowhat gives? Its this weeks top Streaming Gainer, following the August 12 premiere of the video.

Retreating a slot to third place is Sam Smith, with Stay With Me. Sams mother became famous long before he had his first hit single. Sam first made headlines at age 16. His mother, London financier Kate Cassidy, sued her bosses for unfair dismissal. She alleged they sacked her for spending too much time managing young Sams career. Obviously, she got the last laugh.



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