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2021-08-14 08:35:02



The average boss looks at a curriculum vitae for just three minutes while one in five make a decision on a candidate after perusing it for under a minute, new research suggests.


Despite almost a quarter of candidates claiming they have excellent written communication skills, many of them fall foul of using worn clichés in their CVs, the survey of 2,000 from New College of the Humanities found.


The university-level college, founded by philosopher Professor AC Grayling, says nearly 500,000 graduates will flood the job market this month - but thousands will make silly mistakes on their CV, which in turn dampens their chances of becoming employed.


Unsurprisingly, the worst mistakes to make on a CV are typos and grammatical errors, especially using 'there' 'their' and 'they're' incorrectly, and 'your' and 'you're'.


This is followed by a casual tone, such as using 'you guys' in email correspondence or signing off with 'cheers' to a prospective employer - as well as coming across as laid-back on the CV.


In third place is the use of jargon and clichés, such as 'thinking outside the box' and stating perfectionism as your weakness.


Here are the top ten pet hates:

1. Typos and grammatical errors

2. Overly casual tone

3. Use of jargon and clichés

4. A CV more than two pages in length

5. Snazzy borders and backgrounds

6. Writing in the third person

7. Inclusion of clip art or emojis

8. The use of cringeworthy quotes

9. UNPRofessional email address

10. Unconventional font












In terms of worn clichés, almost half of CVs typically state the person tends to 'work well independently,' and a third say they are a 'team player.'


The research identified the most over used CV phrases likely to put them off potential employees:


1. Can work independently

2. Hard worker

3. Works well under pressure

4. Good communicator

5. Enthusiastic

6. Team player

7. Good listener

8. Excellent written communication skills

9. Proactive

10. Problem solver











The research shows that one in ten have been creative over length of employment and previous companies, while five percent have bent the truth about previous positions and references.


Almost twice as many women lie about their hobbies and interests compared to men.


These CV catastrophes could explain why a third have applied for five roles without a response and one in ten have applied for more than 50 jobs and never heard back.



curriculum vitae(CV): 简历

peruse: 仔细察看;细读

fall foul of: 和…缠在一起,被缠住

typo: 打字错误

come across: 给人…印象

laid-back: 懒散的;闲散的

snazzy: 华丽而俗气的

proactive: 采取主动的


Three years ago, job search expert Jenny Foss wrote one of my favorite articles on cover letters. It was called, "Bad Pick-Up Lines: They Don't Work in Bars, They Don't Won't in Cover Letters." (Yes, I remember it even three years later.)

三年前,猎头专家Jenny Foss在笔者最喜欢一篇求职信的文章上写了这么一句话。它是这样说的:“最糟糕的话:对调酒师没用,也不会出现在求职信上。”(是的,甚至三年过去了笔者仍然记得很清楚。)

Even after reading that article, it took me some time — longer than I'd like to admit — to step outside of the "I am writing to apply for [position]" lead-in, because it's what I was comfortable with. But it's 2015, and people are still writing form letters, which leads to the spread of terrible advice like, "No one reads cover letters anyway."


It's not that no one reads them. The hard truth is that if your letter looks like everyone else's, the hiring manager will read it — and promptly forget it.


So, read on for the five of the most cliché lines to strike from your cover letter immediately.

所以,快点查看你的cover letter,看看有没有以下这5种陈词滥调吧。

1."I am applying for the role of [title] at [company]"

1. “我想申请的是贵公司的XX(职位)”

Years ago, when applications were sent through the mail and secretaries sorted through letter after letter, it was probably really important to dedicate your opening line to the job you were applying for. But nowadays, I'd guess you're applying via some system that makes it clear what position you're interested in — such as an online portal where you can check that box or in an email with the subject line. In other words, the person reading your cover letter knows why you're there.


Of course, I'm not suggesting you never mention the position. The very opposite is true: You should absolutely mention the position, the company, and why you're a fit for both. What I'm saying is that if you open your cover letter with the line above, you'll have the same opener as several other candidates. Translation:


You'll have wasted your first impression as well as valuable space.


So, start your letter by grabbing the hiring manger's attention, and then leading into why you're a fit for the particular role and organization.


2."I'm a fast learner"

2. “我的学习能力很强。”

Confession: Every time I've written this in a cover letter, it's because I didn't have the preferred number of years of experience. And, I'm pretty sure the person reading my application translated this line accordingly.



Saying that you learn quickly isn't going to knock anyone's socks off. So, what should you write instead? Include a stat or story that shows what a fast learner you are. If you have a photographic memory or taught yourself to code, mention it. If your boss asked you to learn every major client's name in one morning and you did it, share that anecdote. It will be much more memorable than "I'm a fast learner."


3."I think outside the box"

3. “我能跳出思维的框框”

Let's start with the irony of using a cliché to describe how creative you are. Seriously, though, if you are someone who thinks outside the box, why not do just that with your cover letter?


Your best bet here is to show — rather than write a sentence about — your inventiveness. Maybe you apply for your job in a creative way or provide an example of time when your ingenuity saved the day. Or, just prove it right off the bat by opening up your cover letter with a witty line that grab people's attention.



4."I'm the best person for the job"

4. “我最适合这份工作”

First things first, do you know every other applicant? Take it from someone who's lost out to a person with a decade more experience in a given sector: You can't make this assertion.


Not only could there be someone who is in fact more qualified than you, but your prospective boss may also have additional considerations that you're unaware of. Maybe you're the person with a decade more experience, but the company is looking for someone greener because of budget constraints. Or perhaps you check all the right boxes — but the best person is actually in-house.


"Best" is a subjective term, so stick to statements you know to be true. This would include all of the lines about how well-matched your experience is and why you're personally drawn to the organization. By the time someone finishes reading your cover letter, he or she should know that you're the best person.


5."This is exactly the kind of role I'm looking for"

5. “这正是我想找的工作。”

OK, this statement means well. You're trying to show that you're here for the right reasons, that you're passionate about the company, that you're invested in the role, and so forth.


But it doesn't have the impact you're going for. First, it can come off a little self-indulgent (i.e., that you're more focused on what the company can do for you than on what you can do for the company). Second, it's redundant. If you're applying for a job, let's hope it's what you're looking for!


Instead, shift your focus to discussing why you're the candidate the company is looking for.


Your cover letter is a chance to show why you're uniquely qualified for an open position. So, don't bury your potential in cliché cover lines — use the tips above to stand out from the pack.


抓住职场机会 简历大有讲究

You spend hours writing it up in the hope will get you a job.


But now it turns out that employers get totally the wrong idea about what you are like from your CV.


A study has found that recruiters make flawed judgements about a candidate's personality based on what they read in their application.


On five key personality areas, HR staff draw the wrong conclusions with a huge potential impact on your chances of getting an interview.


The researchers asked 122 recruiters to evaluate CVs from 37 students; in each case they were asked to look at 77 aspects of the document covering what psychologists called the 'big five' personality traits.


These were openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.


At the same time the students completed quizzes to see what their 'real' personalities were like to act as a control.


The findings showed that the recruiters were bad judges of character.


In particular they tended to rate people higher than they were really in extroversion - a quality which meant they were more likely to be hired - and lower in conscientiousness than the reality.


Applicants with an attractive resume with double spacing were thought of more highly than those who used single spacing.


And those who said they did more volunteering were found to be being better organised than those who didn't.


Lead author Gary Burns of Wright State University in the US said that job candidates should also avoid the temptation to make their CV stand out by using 'unusual fonts or formats'.

美国莱特州立大学第一作者Gary Burns说,应聘者也应该避免通过使用‘不寻常的字体和格式来让自己的简历鹤立鸡群’。

Another no-no was writing a personal statement on your CV, he added.


However writing a good CV completely pointless as another study last year found that writing a good covering letter is far more effective than having a polished resume.


投简历有窍门: 你真的用对了邮箱吗?

You could tick all the boxes in terms of experience, education and skills when applying for a job, but if your email address is too informal it could be holding you back.


Research has discovered that addresses considered cute or funny, and even those that contain underscores, can hinder your chances.


And this has the same negative effect on recruiters as spelling mistakes on a résumé.


The study was carried out at the Department of Social and Organisational Psychology at VU University, Amsterdam.


The team wanted to see if a résumé containing a formal email address would boost the applicants' chances of getting the job than an informal email address résumé.


It deliberately used different fonts, including Arial and Times New Roman, littered spelling mistakes throughout and altered how conscientious, intelligent, honest and humble the applicants appeared.


The results show that recruiters do indeed assess the hirability of an applicant with a résumé featuring a formal email address higher than that of an applicant with a résumé featuring an informal email address,' said the researchers.


And this detrimental effect was on par with that caused by spelling errors.


This trend was only mediated if the applicant appeared more conscientious, or showed signs of humility.


"In summary, the results showed that when writing a résumé, it is important to use a formal e-mail address," concluded the researchers.


"The initial screening of an applicant's résumé can strongly influence first impressions.


'Even "small" résumé characteristics, such as the email address, can determine a positive or negative impression by recruiters.



If you’re sending out résumés and not getting many calls to interview, there’s a good chance that your résumé is the problem. If you’re like most people, your résumé could use some work – and like most people, you’re probably not sure where to start.


But you probably don’t need to start from scratch. You can often significantly improve your résumé by just making a handful of changes. Here are five small changes you can make that will have a big impact.


1. Get rid of the objective. Résumé objectives never help and often hurt. Not only do they feel outdated at this point, but they're all about what you want, rather than what the employer wants. Your résumé should be focused on showing your experience, skills and accomplishments. It’s not the place to talk about what you’re seeking in your next job.

1. 不要写求职目标。在简历上写求职目标从来没用,还会有坏处。它们不仅落伍过时,而且都是有关你想要的而不是雇主想要的东西。简历应该集中展现你的经历、技能和成就。不应该商量你在下一份工作中想得到什么。

2. Focus on work accomplishments, not job duties. If you’re like most job seekers, your résumé lists what you were responsible for at each job you held, but doesn't explain what you actually achieved there. Rewriting to focus on accomplishments will make it more likely to catch a hiring manager’s eye. For instance, get rid of lines like “managed email list” and replace them with lines like “increased email subscribers by 20 percent in six months” – in other words, something that explains how you performed, not just what your job was.

2. 关注工作成就,而不是工作职责。你的简历是不是和大多数求职者一样只写每份工作的职责,却没写结果?写好成就是关键,这样更有可能抓住招聘经理的眼球。例如,别写像“整理邮件”之类的话,用“6个月内邮件用户增加了20%”代替——换句话说,写清楚你的工作表现,而不只是写工作内容。

3. Get rid of big blocks of text. If your résumé is filled with large blocks of text – as opposed to bullet points – there’s a good chance that you’re putting hiring managers to sleep. They want to quickly skim the first time they look at your résumé, and big blocks of text make that difficult and make most hiring managers’ eyes glaze over. They’ll pay more attention and absorb more information about you if your résumé is arranged in bullet points rather than paragraphs.

3. 不要有大段文字。如果你的简历都是大段文字——而不是按要点写——招聘经理很可能没兴趣看了。他们看简历时想快速浏览,大段文字看起来困难,他们眼睛都要看花了。如果你的简历排出了要点而不是有很多段落,他们会看得更仔细,也能了解到更多信息。

4. Shorten it. If your résumé is multiple pages, you might be diluting the impact of its contents. With a shorter résumé, you’ll ensure that in an initial quick scan, the hiring manager’s eyes fall on the most important things. Plus, long résumés can make you come across as someone who can’t edit and doesn’t know what information is essential and what’s less important. As a general rule, your résumé shouldn’t be longer than two pages, maximum. (And if you’re a recent grad, it should only be one page, because you haven’t yet had enough work experience to justify a second one.)

4. 减少页数。如果你的简历有很多页,你可能把不重要的内容也写上去了。短小精悍的简历能确保招聘经理快速扫视时能看到最重要的东西。另外,长简历会让别人觉得你不会编辑文档,也不会区分信息的重要程度。一般来说,简历最多不能超过两页。(如果你是应届毕业生,应该一页就够了,因为你还没有足够的工作经验去写第二页。)

5. Give yourself permission to remove things that don’t strengthen your candidacy. You don’t need three lines explaining boring job duties – especially if these responsibilities are going to be implied by your title. Similarly, you don’t need to include that summer job from eight years ago, that job you did for three weeks that didn’t work out or every skill you can think of. Your résumé is a marketing document, not a comprehensive listing of everything about you; include the things that strengthen your candidacy and pare down the rest.

5. 删掉不够有竞争力的内容。你不需要用三行字说明无聊的工作职责——尤其是这些责任可以从职位名称中看出来的时候。同样,你不需要写八年前的暑期工作,以及做了三个星期却没学到什么技能的工作。你的简历是用来推销自己的,不要像写清单一样把每件事都列下来,请写能加强竞争力和能把别人比下去的事情吧。

新简历 新气象 5招更新简历

If you’re still following job-search advice from a decade or more ago, chances are good that you’re inadvertently sabotaging your own chances of getting hired. And if you think you’re too young to fall into that trap, think again: It’s not just workers with decades of experience who fall for this – even 20 somethings fall victim, because they’re relying on outdated job-advice guides, parents who don’t realize that hiring conventions have changed, or even college career centers that haven’t updated their knowledge for the way things work today.


Here are five ways to modernize your job search to compete in 2014.


1. Remove the objective from your résumé. Yes, you may have learned years ago that every résumé should start with an objective, but that advice has long been outdated. Objectives now make your résumé look out-of-touch with modern conventions. What’s more, objectives are about what you want, rather than about what the employer wants – and at the initial stage of the hiring process, employers are much more concerned with what skills and experience you can offer than with your hopes and dreams. Plus, most objectives sound stilted and generic anyway. It’s been a long time since one did a job candidate any favors.

1. 简历中不要写求职目标。是的,可能一直以来你了解的是简历应该开头写上求职目标。但这一建议早已过时。求职目标如今让你的简历看起来与现代规则脱节。另外,求职目标是你想要的,而不是雇主想要的。在雇佣的开始阶段,雇主更关心你的技能和经历,而不是你的希冀和梦想。还有一点,大部分求职目标听起来生硬、普通。它早就不能给求职者提供帮助了。

After you remove the objective, replace it with a profile section – a few sentences or bullet points that highlight who you are as a candidate and what sets you apart. Done well, these can serve as overall framing for your candidacy, explaining to employers the key facts you want them to know about you. In fact, profile sections have gained so much popularity that résumés without them are starting to look a little bare.


2. Don’t list jobs from two decades ago. Jobs you held that long ago are unlikely to strengthen your candidacy today, and they can date you and your experience. If you’ve had an impressive career over the last 15 years, why waste space talking about more junior roles you held well before that? Remember: A résumé is a marketing document, not a comprehensive listing of everything you’ve ever done.

2. 不要罗列20年前的工作。很久之前的工作不太可能让你如今更有优势。而且他们可能让你和你的经历看起来过时。如果15年间你的有过出色的工作经历,那为什么要提在这之前职位较低的工作呢?记住:一份简历就是推销文件,不是你做过的所有事情的全面罗列。

3. Remove “references available upon request.” Employers take it for granted that you’ll provide references when they ask for them, so there’s no need to announce it up front. This is a convention left over from another time. No employer is going to reject you for including it, but it takes up space better used for something else and, like an objective, it makes your résumé feel dated.

3. 去掉“如果需要可提供参考”。雇主认为他们需要的时候你自然会提供的,所以没有必要预先声明。这是之前留下来的习惯。雇主不会拒绝你加上这一句,但是如果它占据了原本可以写些更好的东西的位置,比如目标,这会让你的简历看起来很过时。

4. Kill the sales-iness in your approach. Job-search advice used to center around tactics that today come across as uncomfortably aggressive to most employers. For instance:

4. 避免推销手法。求职建议过去围绕的策略现在对于大部分雇主来说令人不快。比如说:

Including a line in your cover letter that you’ll call in a week to schedule an interview. (You’re not the one who decides whether to schedule an interview; once you’ve expressed interest by applying, the ball is in the employer’s court.)


Sending cookies or chocolate to the hiring manager, or other gimmicks designed to get your résumé noticed. (You’ll come across as if you don’t understand professional boundaries, and as if you don’t think your qualifications stand on their own merit. Plus, fewer people these days accept food from strangers, so it’s likely your food gift will end up in the trash.)


Overnighting your résumé to the hiring manager to make it stand out. Pick up any job-search guide from a decade ago, and you’ll find this advice still in it. But these days, you’re more likely to look like someone who doesn’t follow directions – and worse, your materials might not be considered at all, because you didn’t enter them into the company’s electronic application system.


5. Don’t “pound the pavement.” You might hear from your parents or people who haven’t job searched in a long time that you should show up at the companies you want to work for and drop off your résumé in person. But with the exception of a small handful of employers who specifically request this, this is no longer done and will come across as naive and annoying to most employers. Instead, most job searches these days are done online primarily – looking at online listings, emailing résumés and cover letters, filling out electronic applications and networking on sites like LinkedIn. Of course, you should still connect with your network in person, but the concept of “pounding the pavement” looking for a job has mostly died off.

5. 不要“上街找工作”。你可能听你的父母或者是很久都没有找过工作的人这么说过。你应该到你想要去工作的公司里亲自递交简历。但是除了一小撮特别要求这么做的雇主之外,很少有人这样做,而且会让人觉得幼稚、烦人。相反的,现在大部分都是首先网上求职——浏览网页列表,发送简历和求职信,填写电子申请表,在像LinkedIn(领英)这样的网站上做好社交。当然,你还需要当面联系你的人际网络,但是“上街找工作”这种概念几乎已经消失了。



英语作文初中 总会想起那张照片作文600字 值得珍藏的财富作文600字 劳动作文600字初中 冬日美景作文 夏天 作文 家 作文 读西游记有感450字作文 四年级写作文的技巧和方法 读什么有感作文400字 关于春节的作文100字 我们都是一家人作文 关于元宵节的英语作文 快乐的一天作文500字 给某某的一封信作文 我最喜欢的动物英语作文 乡村美景作文400字 四年级英语作文大全 告别作文600字初中 挠美女脚心作文 写物作文500字 找春天的作文 寒假作文怎么写 榜样作文500字 介绍春节英语作文 故事新编作文 挫折的作文素材 我的家乡作文怎么写 友谊作文600字 老物件作文