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2021-08-14 12:30:01



Sales of individual wealth management products in China shot up in the last quarter of 2007 as banks expanded their product offerings, the banking regulator said yesterday.


By the end of September there were 60 banking institutions in China offering individual wealth management services such as mutual funds, insurance products and offshore investments.


Together China’s banks sold Rmb600bn ($82bn) worth of such products in the first three quarters of 2007.


But the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) said it expected that figure had jumped to Rmb1,000bn by the end of the year as more products BECame available and customers shifted money out of interest-bearing time deposits.


With inflation hitting an 11-year high of 6.9 per cent in November and the one-year deposit rate at only 4.14 per cent, Chinese investors are faced with negative real interest rates and have been looking for alternatives to bank deposits.


The government is actively encouraging Chinese banks to diversify from their traditional reliance on the spread between deposit and loan interest rates, which are set by the central bank to ensure profitability at the state-owned lenders.

去年6月份,银监会为大中型国有银行制定了目标,力争在未来5年至10年,中间收入在总收入中所占比重从目前的17 %左右升至40%-50%。

In June last year the CBRC set a target for large and medium-sized state-owned banks to increase their fee-based income from about 17 per cent of their total now to 40-50 per cent within the next five to 10 years.

多数全球规模最大的银行都在中国设立了业务,而去年,包括渣打银行(Standard Chartered)、瑞银(UBS)和汇丰(HSBC)在内的许多银行,已开始为拥有100万美元以上的`客户提供私人银行服务。

Most of the world’s largest banks have set up operations in China and many, including Standard Chartered, UBS and HSBC, began offering private banking services available to clients with $1m or more to invest, last year.

德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)昨日宣布,已在北京注册理财业务,从而可以提供包括人民币存款和贷款在内的更多服务。


Bank yesterday announced it had incorporated locally in Beijing, allowing it to offer more services, including renminbi deposit and lending services.


The CBRC warned yesterday that the growth in wealth management services had been accompanied。



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