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2021-08-14 13:00:01



Good afternoon, professors! It’s really a great pleasure for me to have this opportunity for the interview, and I hope I can make a good impression today and finally enroll in Huazhong University of Science and Technology as a PhD student. Now I will make a brief introduction about myself to you.

My name is XXX. I was born in 1986 in Yichang City, a world renowned hydraulic-electricity town where the Three Gorges Dam stands.Iam learning in Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, majoring in Chemical Process Machinery, and will get my master’s degree in June. Three years ago, I obtained a bachelor’s degree inChina Three Gorges University in the major of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering.

In daily lives, I am quiet but not dull. I have many hobbies, such as listening music, reading and playing basketball with friends.These are good ways of relaxing myself in spare time. In learning, I am serious, steady and persistent. Sometimes I concentrate on some tough problems to get them well solved, though it takes much time.I still feel it’s worthy. In the past three years, Ihave studied hard and strived for excellence in my research work. I obtained the Scholarship for Post-graduatesin TUST last year and published four papers as the first authorin some core journals.

Mechanical engineering is an extensive and profound subject and I deeply feel that what I have learned is very limited. So I am longing for further study and looking forward to improving my self-value in the next few years. No pains,no gains. Only with greater efforts can I get closer to success. I will make good use of my time and do my best to reach my goals if I am lucky to be a PhD student in HUST.

That’s all. Thank you!



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