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2021-08-16 12:30:01




The giant panda is a kind of docile animal with a unique black and white coat.It has been listed as endangered species as its minimal quantity.The giant panda has special significance for WWF (World Wildlife Fund).Since WWF established in 1961,the giant panda has been its logo.As the rarest member of the bears,the giant panda mainly lives in forests of Southwest China.At present,there are around 1000 pandas in the world. The bamboo-eating animals are facing many threats.Therefore,to ensure the survival of the giant panda is more important than ever.


Panda is a kind of docile animal,with unique black and white fur. Because of its scarcity,panda has been listed as theendangered species. Panda has been playing a special role in WWF.Panda has been the logo of WWF since it was founded in 1961.It is the rarest member among theursidae animals,living mainly in the forests of the China Southwest.Up to now there are about 1000 pandas all over the world.These animals which live on bamboo face many threats.So it is more important to protect them than before.


The giant panda is a kind of gentle animal with a black-and-white coat.It has been listed as an endangered animal due to its very limited number.The giant panda is of great significance to WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature). The panda has been its symbol since its establishment in 1961.The giant panda is the rarest animal of the bears, mainly living in the forests in south west of China.Now,there are approximately 1,000 giant pandas.The animal that mainly eats bamboo is facing many threats. Therefore,to ensure its safety is of greater importance than before.


1.黑白皮毛:black and white coat/fur

2.被列为濒危物种:be listed as endangered species

3.对…有着特殊意义:have/has special significance/meaning for


5.是...中最稀有的成员:the rarest member of

6.中国西南部:Southwest China.;

7.以竹为食的:Feeding on bamboo/bamboo-eating

8.比以往更重要:more important than ever



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