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2021-08-19 11:05:02


In this blog post we’ve already considered how to get business meetings started, but what about when we need them to end? Meetings can’t go on forever so it’s important to have a way to bring them to a conclusion. Here are some phrases to help you finish your meetings on time.


To wrap up

This is a common way to end a meeting and means to bring something to an end, often with a short summary. ‘Wrap up’ is quite an informal phrase, but it’s fine to use in office situations.

这一表达通常用来表示会议结束,和结束某事,经常附有简短的总结。“Wrap up”不太正式,但可以在办公场合下使用。

E.g. “It’s 1pm so let’s wrap up this meeting and I’ll see you all again next week.”


To sum up

This literally means ‘to summarise’ but sounds more natural in spoken English. Use this expression if you want to summarise the main points of the meeting.


E.g. “Let’s sum up – we can deliver the goods you need on Thursday and you will pay in installments over the next 6 weeks.”


To recap

This is useful if you want to remind the attendees of any points you have covered in the current or previous meeting.


E.g. “So, to recap, when were those items due?”


NOTE: we can also use this as a noun.


E.g. “Can you give me a recap of the points we covered last week?”


Action points / next actions

These are the things that the attendees should do after the meeting, and are usually written in the minutes of the meeting.


We usually use the verb ‘to set’ when talking about action points or next actions.

说到行动要点或者下一步行动,我们经常用动词“to set”

E.g. “Let’s set some action points. Sam, can you make sure the payments have come through? Sally, can you make sure the goods are ready for delivery?”


To look forward to / to be looking forward to

We use this expression to talk about things in the future that we are excited about. It’s a nice expression to show you are interested in working with someone. We usually follow it with a gerund (+ing).


E.g. “I’m looking forward to working with you on this project.”



今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:nose out of joint. 大家都知道,nose是鼻子的意思,joint是关节的意思。Nose out of joint连在一起就是不愉快,心烦意乱的意思,类似中文里说的“鼻子都气歪了”。

比如说,我辛辛苦苦做了一桌子的菜,可是家里人都说不饿,就会让我nose out of joint。我们可以说have one's nose out of joint, 也可以说put one's nose out of joint。

例句:I'm afraid we made a mistake when we chose Jonathon to be the department chair instead of Alfred. Jonathon has only been here for ten years, whereas Alfred has been here for twenty. Now Alfred's nose out of joint and he may even resign.




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