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2021-11-15 13:50:01


Every family has its own start-up and family precepts. Dan has a osmosis and important influence to everybody, it is like the spring wind people people generally moist summer rain rain, influence people. No home, no society, Dan"s influence on the society as a whole are huge, countless good start-up can cause necessarily good social conduct.

If a person, he has a good home family trait, so he can surely little detours. And if his family trait, then many walked curved road.

Our family trait is "integrity". Honesty is to open, with a clean SLATE be honest, do your own thing will be accountable, can not pass the buck to others. The letter is to keep your words, words like pour out the water out, can"t back, said to himself. In addition to Dan, there is another led people - family precepts. As opposed to a family trait, our family precepts is "good faith, practical work. Work to be steadfast, step-by-step. Like the way to go step by step, rice to a bite to eat. If light thinking about how do things, then do a thing also won"t have too big achievements. On the contrary, if a man can do in front of down-to-earth to concentrate on every thing, don"t aim high, must be able to accomplish something.

In short, the family is an important part of society, every successful person must have a good family trait and family precepts. And a good family trait family precepts each family member is required to build, only builds the start-up family precepts strictly, can we little detours.







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