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2021-12-04 12:40:01


The Spring Festival with cheerful pace is approached step by step, my mother and I went back to their hometown.

Their hometown and shenzhen, shenzhen is different, a Chinese New Year atmosphere all have no, are empty, and home, my aunt"s house full of bacon preserved fish and dry goods, and I most like to eat the rabbit!

Aunt and mother in cleaning: first to every room with a vacuum cleaner to suck it again, with a feather duster dispatch some small corner of the spider web volume, use broom to sweep again, finally dragging it again. And mother and my aunt in the preparation of New Year"s day that day reception guests snacks, with fruit bowl filled with a plate of fruit, and make a plate with a plate of sweets.

And my sister and I, the likelihood is ready to play that night New Year firecrackers. Uncle took my sister and I go to the wholesale market to buy firecrackers, wow! Wide variety of firecrackers, looks very fun! I picked a few seem fun, go home to help my aunt and mother "work".

In one night before New Year, I "browse" I buy firecrackers, look to buy fun, I will buy firecrackers all put a, the rest of the time on New Year"s day,, wow! I was to buy fireworks? I was very surprised. Also looked at the firecrackers bag, originally I also bought some small fireworks.

That evening after dinner, we began to sort out tomorrow at noon meal, first in the fridge, on the pot to fry in tomorrow.

I didn"t sleep that night, as long as in the evening 12 o "clock firecrackers can ring, "snapped" at that time, I can"t sleep, will be thinking about went downstairs to set off firecrackers.










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