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2021-12-09 09:30:01


In the face of disaster, people do not be intimidated, a wide range of people facing natural disasters launched a valiant struggle, they dedicated a sweat, and tears, and even their lives…… roadside stations, stations, the staff did not let outages We do not panic, the people stranded in the street mutual concern, a concerted effort of snow removal during the love around us in the spread, replete with.

The workers Luo Chang-ming, ZHOU Jing-hua lost their lives in deeds we are aware that they are to repair the power grid and sacrifice is to sacrifice the interests of the people! We respect them, it is even more of a commitment to fight the same snowstorm in the end!

Leaders personally braving snow condolences to the people and civilian police employees. I still remember that Prime Minister at the station with a loudspeaker called on all that frame, still remember a photograph that young policewoman carrying a bowl of soup, smiling women with a spoon feeding the hands of the baby; still remember electrician were in the towers, waving the chisel, then scattered under the shadow of borneol; still remember that after the rescue, tents, the soldiers sleeping face……






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