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2022-01-23 17:40:01


你们可曾想过,自己的一个不小心会造成生命危险。比如踩空楼梯,摔跤,做危险动作……这些都可以对我们的生命构成威胁,所以我们要在生活中处处小心!不过火灾也是十分危险的 。

Have you ever thought that one of your carelessness will cause life danger. For example, stepping on empty stairs, wrestling, doing dangerous actions All of these can threaten our lives, so we should be careful in our life! But fire is also very dangerous.


According to statistics, the fire loss in China has doubled in 12 years. More than 10000 fires occur every day around the world, killing hundreds of people. In recent years, there are more than 40000 fires and more than 20xx deaths every year in China. There are 3000 to 4000 disabled people, and the direct property loss caused by fire every year is more than one billion. What shocking numbers! Especially in the relentless fire in Urumqi in 20xx, it took the lives of two staff members, three firefighters, five people were killed, and it also burned 1.1 billion! The cause was a pair of brooms, so many merchants watched their efforts burn, the IOU and the receipt were all eliminated in the fire Loss.


But after 68 hours, the fire was finally put out. Ah, what a terrible scene! Let"s pray that this terrible scene will not happen again. Let"s pay attention to every bit of life, and don"t let this cruel thing happen! Pay attention to every bit of life, and don"t let the merciless fire dance again!



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