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2022-01-25 13:25:02



I got up early this morning because I was going to Moore International English class.


After getting up, I would wash my face and brush my teeth, and prepare for breakfast. After breakfast, I would ride my "wind fire wheel" to class. After arriving at the English class, I would park the scooter, and then enter the class. I would first write my English name on the whiteboard, and then write today"s text to//www.yuwenmi.com/pice to the class Now.


After all the students came, the teacher began to have a class. Today, the teacher taught us the words Friday, Saturday, bicycle, zongzi Some English words, we also played a little game in class! When I went home, the teacher gave me some stickers as my reward. In the afternoon, I took the pen "army" and the composition "chairman" to the composition class.


Today, we are going to have the lesson of toy baby. In class, all the students raise their hands to answer the questions. Hum! This baby is not vegetarian either. I start to raise my hands desperately. After a class, my hands are almost broken! When the teacher asked me what I like, I said, "I like transformers and Lego blocks." So the teacher asked me to write transformers and Lego building blocks. After I finished, I showed them to the teacher. The teacher drew four five pointed stars for me! It"s wonderful! After school, I took my things and carried my bag home.


Alas... Happy time is always passing so fast, in a blink of an eye, if you can have English class and composition class every day, how wonderful!



晚上发生的事作文500 和狗玩耍的作文 朋友为话题的作文 答案在风中飘荡 作文 三年级写花的作文 泡豆子作文300字 朝花夕拾读后感作文 描写春节的作文600字 作文大全动物 人生的第一次作文 我的家乡在安徽作文 以跟风为话题的作文 关于梅的作文 生活中的一件小事作文 什么是作文题记 我要改变作文 我的心爱之物作文400 高考作文名言 江南水乡作文400字 七百字的作文 母爱感动了我作文 学生是否应该穿校服英语作文 我的足球梦作文 会说话的什么作文400字 作文温暖500字左右 奋斗的幸福作文 评价诸葛亮300字作文 照片的作文200字 有题记的中考满分作文 五年级描写景物的作文