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2022-01-27 08:30:01



There is a small alarm clock at the head of my bed。


The small alarm clock is about the size of a slap, wearing a light yellow shirt, the two alarm bells on the head are two hollow semicircles, just like two small ears, between which is a stainless steel handle。 The silver stainless steel hidden under the middle of the two alarm clocks is like a small hammer。 Whenever I set the time, the small hammer will ring the alarm within the specified time to remind me to get up quickly。 There is a thin glass on the chest of the small alarm clock。 Through that glass, you can see the numbers separated by the same distance。 The twelve numbers are all light green。 In the evening, they will emit the green light, which is beautiful and practical。 There are two short legs at the bottom of the alarm clock。 They are also made of stainless steel, and they are all silver。


The back of the small alarm clock is black, which is responsible for adjusting the time。 The first rotary button is in charge of time adjustment。 If you turn it to the left, time will go back; if you turn it to the right, time will go forward。 The second rotary button is responsible for adjusting the ringing time。 The third is a small switch。 If it rings, press the switch and the alarm clock will be quiet immediately。


This is my favorite little alarm clock。 Do you like it, too?



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